1708540497 Angola39s President highly appreciates visit to Czech Republic photo

Angola's President highly appreciates visit to Czech Republic (+photo)

In a press conference with Czech President Petr Pavel after the official reception in the Prague Palace, the Angolan President pointed out that both parties have better conditions for cooperation and deepening cooperative relations for the benefit of their respective peoples.

Angola39s President highly appreciates visit to Czech Republic photoAngola39s President highly appreciates visit to Czech Republic photo

In this sense, he stressed the need to update the legal instruments that will serve as the basis for this new phase, a first step being the signing this Wednesday of a Memorandum of Understanding on political consultations. This will be followed by other legal bodies in more specific areas, such as the Agreement on Mutual Investment Promotion and Protection; the double taxation agreement; and the agreement on visa waiver in diplomatic and service passports, which could be extended to all passports, he stressed.

The Angolan leader said his country is creating a good business environment and is trying to attract foreign investment to contribute to the development of the national economy.

In this context, he expressed interest in the further development of the Czech Republic's agricultural and industrial sectors, areas in which the two nations could cooperate, as well as higher education, technology and tourism.

Regarding the latter, he called on the Czech authorities and entrepreneurs not to miss the current phase of growth in this sector of the economy in their country.

He also expressed interest in cooperation in the defense sector and praised the positive development of the Czech Republic, which has modernized its army, which Angola also intends to do, he noted.

João Lourenço invited the Czech President to visit Luanda at the best opportunity and thanked the authorities and people of the European nation for the friendly and warm welcome.

The Angolan President was received with military honors at the Prague Palace for official talks this Wednesday. Before this meeting, both presidential delegations had a private meeting.

According to the official program of the visit, the African head of state will be received this Wednesday in the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies and will speak with Prime Minister Petr Fiala.

Lourenço explained to the press that the two countries have expressed at the highest levels the political will to strengthen friendly and cooperative relations, but there is still a lot to be done, not only by the authorities but also by businessmen This would need to identify opportunities for companies to make investments that consider and benefit both sides.
