Anitta fulfills her promise and returns to Brazil only to.webp

Anitta fulfills her promise and returns to Brazil only to vote for Lula

Anitta arrives in Galeão on Saturday evening (1). Credit: Roberto Filho/Brazilian News

Fulfilling a promise made on her Twitter profile on August 22nd, the singer Anitta landed at Galeão International Airport on Saturday evening (01) with a single goal: to support Lula in the presidential elections this Sunday (2). voices.

Honey, I’m going back to Brazil for a day just for this

Anita (@Anita) August 23, 2022

On July 11, on the same platform, the singer had expressed her support for the PT candidate in a series of tweets commenting on the murder of Marcelo Arruda in Foz do Iguaçu, killed by a Bolsonarista during his birthday party.

But the EXTREMELY aggressive and antidemocratic bet of these people leaves me no other choice. IT IS LULALA… her donkeys, attackers, authoritarian and violent

Anita (@Anita) July 11, 2022

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