Anitta is diagnosed with EBV, a virus that can cause multiple sclerosis | celebrities

Anitta talks about virus diagnosis during film startMarcelo Sá Barreto / Agnews

Rio Anitta, 29, announced during the release of the documentary ‘Eu’ this Saturday that she has been diagnosed with the EpsteinBarr virus (EBV), which can cause multiple sclerosis. Poderosa said she passed the exam led by Ludmilla Dayer and recalled some difficult moments.

“When we started all this contact and the results came out, I had the same virus as Ludmila in the initial stages. Nowadays there is no coincidence anymore. Ludmila came. She was a blessing in my life and just joy. One thing she said is that people are much more sensitive to noticing people who are on the same path. People only go in their moment, in their time,” the singer said.

The actress and director, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, realized Anitta wasn’t feeling well after knowing how she was feeling. “I knew it was the virus I just had from listening to her. It seems we’re creating an extra sensitivity. They’re tuned in a different way.” Anitta then cited a moment of difficulty. “We went through a phase where I couldn’t go to the second floor of the house like her and yesterday I danced and sang,” vibrated.