Anna Kanakis has died the former Miss Italy was 61

Anna Kanakis has died, the former Miss Italy was 61 years old

by Candida Morvillo

The actress died yesterday in Rome after a seven-month illness, which was confirmed by her husband. She was elected Miss 1977 and began her experience in cinema in the 80s. She made her debut as an author in 2010.

Anna Kanakis died on Sunday evening at the age of just 61, surprising the world of cinema, where she had taken her first steps as a girl, the world of books, where she had recently made her debut with the publication of three successful novels, the world of politics, where she was responsible for culture and entertainment of Francesco Cossiga’s UDR, and the world of television, where she was crowned Miss Italy at the age of 15.

For seven months he struggled with an illness that he did not want to make public. died in Umberto I in Rome in the arms of Marco Merati Foscarini, her beloved husband with whom she would have celebrated twenty years of marriage in a few months.

Candida Morvillos Interview with Anna Kanakis: My father is a stranger. Alberto Sordi was unforgettable, they thought we were engaged

It was a young Giuseppe Tornatore, Sicilian like her, who dragged her to her first audition and tried to convince her that she had spots in her eyes, those stitches that an actor must have to express emotions. The audition was for “O re” by Luigi Magni, who found in his eyes the brigand of the film, which won a Silver Ribbon and two David di Donatello.

She got into books by reading a biography by George Sand and becoming passionate about the character of Alexandre Manceau, her last lover. You’re Mine When You Sleep – George Sand’s Last Scandalous Love was published by Cesare De Michelis for Marsilio in 2010. While the last film, “Don’t Judge Me”, was released in 2022 by Baldini + Castoldi and tells the last day in the life of Baron Jacques d’Adelswerd-Fersen and the existential struggle of a homosexual in the 1920s. This story gave rise to Anna’s commitment against homophobia, which lasted until the end.

However, she said that saying goodbye to acting freed her from the slavery of appearances, that she loved waking up early in the morning and immediately sitting at her desk in her dressing gown until her husband convinced her at four in the afternoon to have lunch. Marco Merati Foscarini, banker, descendant of a Doge of Venice, was the first to read each chapter. They met and married within four months, always remaining very close.

She helped me regain my respect among the male sex, she said, she brought me closer by talking not about what she had but about what she felt. When I said that, I thought of the Greek Pope, who I’ve seen maybe five times. Anna grew up with her mother and grandmother in Messina. She had arrived by chance at Miss Italia (as old as the Punic Wars, as she called it), chosen during her vacation in Vulcano. She remembered suddenly finding herself with the band and the prejudice that you can’t be good and have to prove more than the others, as if beauty could only be combined with stupidity.

To prove that she was not just beautiful, she tried hard, but it was not difficult for her. His comments, even in conversations about current affairs, his view of the world were sharp and perceptive. The funeral will take place on Thursday at 3 p.m. in Rome at the church of San Salvatore in Lauro. With her goes a woman who has never stopped growing beyond herself. In the last interview with this newspaper she was asked whether she still had dreams. And she: Yes, but not for me. I wish for a brighter society.

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November 21, 2023 (modified on November 22, 2023 | 00:25)