Anna Lou, daughter of Morgan and Asia Argento: "I live with my girlfriend and earn my living as a horsewoman"

Anna Lou Castoldi is not the classic “daughter of”. 21 years old, with art in her DNA – dad Morgan has always spoken to her about culture, mum Asia Argento introduces her to artists of great depth – she doesn’t rely on their fame to forge her own path. He paints, writes, acts (he had a role in the TV series Baby), plays and works as a horse rider. “I deliver pizza, but I’ve worked as a waitress, I’ve even worked as a laborer, I’ve painted houses and moved houses. A little bit of everything,” he tells Fanpage and explains: “I live with them.” My girlfriend and we live in a small village. I work a lot during this time, also because I still can’t make a living from art. So I try to keep myself busy.”

An independence that came early and was encouraged by her mother, Asia Argento: “I’m 21 now and I can’t ask my parents for money,” she claims, “except my mother told me right away. When I made my first money.” With the show Baby, aged 18-19, I realized that I had to take care of myself. I get by and I’m learning a lot. It’s stressful, but it’s part of life.” .

Engaged for some time, she lives with her partner in Rome and has serious plans that she probably wants to pursue in another country: “I’m very happy with my girlfriend Dora, we don’t have to get married in the church, But the adoption and the Starting a family is quite complicated in our country. We live together, we have many projects and it’s a serious story, but Italy seems to be pushing young people, minorities and the “others” to go elsewhere.”

An almost mandatory choice: “We talk about it a lot and I’m a little sorry,” explains Anna Lou. “I’m very attached to Rome, I’ve always had a good time and I like it, but we could.” We find each other better somewhere else. I don’t know if it’s the Vatican or something else. , but for the history we had we should be among the most advanced races in every respect. Instead, unfortunately, there is much ignorance that breeds hatred.”

Anna Lou Castoldi’s contribution