Another chain reaction disaster Public protests are coming

Another chain reaction disaster: Public protests are coming

It has been the most popular program of the summer for several years and this season too Reazione a Catena has excellent ratings every day. However, in recent weeks there has been increasing criticism from fans of the quiz Rai 1which are increasingly highlighted via social media, e.g Quality of competitors – after the champion’s elimination Come on and come on – has significantly reduced, but also how the end chains are more and more difficult and sometimes impossible to guess. This situation was repeated in yesterday’s episode, Monday, September 4th.

Chain reaction, another Entente nightmare

THE Lens boyswho became champions a few days ago met a new team of challengers in yesterday’s episode Comunella. As usual, the audience’s attention was focused on the final games, especially theSuccessful agreement, which was a real disaster this time too. Let’s forget about the 20 words that Dai and Dai guessed: last night both teams went into a very long series of errors that took them into the playoffs by just one margin 3 words each. It was only thanks to their speed in the play-off that the Lenticchia Boys confirmed themselves as champions, but the Chain Reaction fans have once again achieved something criticism against all competitors. “3 on 3, what a skills collapse after the Dai e Dai,” someone commented on Twitter. “How embarrassing. How uncomfortable. How low,” another wrote. Or again: “I’m shocked, it’s a losing deal now.”

Public protests

The public protests You don’t stop there. In addition to complaining about the lack of preparation and the rather low level Quiz fans have some criticisms of the newest teams taking turns in the program Authors from Chain Reaction, guilty in their opinion of creating an increasingly difficult Last Word and even making connections not existent. An example is the word that concluded yesterday’s episode: The Lenticchia Boys couldn’t find the solution to combine “full” and “twisted” and tried “roulade”, but without too much conviction. The solution was “forwarded“, and this is exactly what caused a wave of discontent among the public, who (rightly) pointed out that the connection between the words was nothing less awkward and impossible to guess. “If I were her I would report the authors, it’s a scam!”; “Tonight the solution is wrong. The word has to connect with the other two and winter has nothing to do with it. This is not good”; or again: “But even if we wanted to see in a very broad perspective from complete to late, how should we have gotten there?”