Another week hijacked by Hamas The Antagonist

Another week hijacked by Hamas The Antagonist

O Hamas kidnapped for another week. It is the fifth since the deliberate attack on Israeli civilians on October 7th. As 34 Brazilians wait for the terror group’s permission to leave the Gaza Strip, the country’s politicians are taking sides on the front lines.

Former President Jair Bolsonaro attended a meeting with the Israeli ambassador. Daniel Zonshineamong Brazilian parliamentarians who led the MP Lindbergh Farias (PTRJ) proposes the expulsion of the diplomat. Zonshine denied inviting her.

PT, PSOL and PCdoB invited the Ambassadors of Palestine, Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Libya, Lebanon, Qatar, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, the Arab League, Cuba and Venezuela to a hearing in the Chamber on the “Humanitarian Crisis in the Gaza Strip” a “in which participants attacked Israel for its response to attacks by Hamas which still holds hostages under its control and continues to expose Gaza’s civilians to the Israeli counteroffensive.

The week was also marked by a lack of light in several regions of São Paulo, due to the felling of trees due to strong winds. Eight people died as a result of the bad weather. Some neighborhoods in the capital São Paulo were without power for more than five days.

In Rio de Janeiro the force of nature came from the sea. The surf off the coast of Ipanema killed a 16yearold boy who was swept away by the waves. The water entered the promenade and reached the area of ​​the buildings facing the sea.


In recent days, the National Congress has focused on the Lula government’s economic agenda. The Senate finally approved the tax reform, which was, as usual, full of exceptions, while deputies in the chamber drafted the budgetary directives law (LDO) and planned a fight in the Federal Supreme Court (STF).

Parliamentarians also took care of the National High School Examination (And either), which will result in Education Minister Camilo Santana having to explain himself in the coming days. The Parliamentary Agrarian Front called for a government position on “issues of an ideological nature and without scientific or academic criteria” found in the test last Sunday 5th. It is good for the minister to study in order to answer the questionnaire.