Anthony Scaramucci tweeted that British Prime Minister Liz Truss was

Anthony Scaramucci tweeted that British Prime Minister Liz Truss was humiliated over her resignation after 44 days

Well, that’s one way of putting it.

While the world is rocked by the resignation of British Prime Minister Liz Truss, some political figures across the pond have begun to poke fun at the politician’s short tenure.

One person who chimed in early Thursday morning was former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci, 58.

“The Mooch” famously lasted just 11 days in the White House during former President Donald Trump’s tenure.

Taking to Twitter, Scaramucci joked about Truss’ abrupt departure while also poking fun at his own short tenure.

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci issued a hilarious tweet Thursday morning about Liz Truss' resignation

Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci issued a hilarious tweet Thursday morning about Liz Truss’ resignation

Scaramucci, no stranger to short tenures, famously served just 11 days as communications director under former President Donald Trump

Scaramucci, no stranger to short tenures, famously served just 11 days as communications director under former President Donald Trump

Liz Truss announced her own resignation outside 10 Downing Street on Thursday morning

Liz Truss announced her own resignation outside 10 Downing Street on Thursday morning

“Liz Truss lasted 4.1 Scaramuccis,” the former White House official said in a tweet.

Scaramucci’s message, sent just before 9 a.m., picked up momentum and received applause from thousands.

one political blogger, a staunch Democrat with more than 650,000 followers, laughed at Scaramucci’s tweet and said, “Ok. You deserve it, with laughing emojis attached.

Don Moynihan, a professor at Georgetown University according to his Twitter bio, also commented on Scaramucccci’s tweet.

The professor at the McCourt School of Public Affairs urged anyone thinking about jumping across the pond to do it now.

“If you’re interested in visiting the UK, just an amazing exchange rate at the moment,” Moynihan said.

Within hours, Scaramucci’s tweet had garnered more than 60,000 likes and almost 10,000 retweets.

A math-savvy Twitter user then tried to correct the former White House staffer by telling him it was actually 4.09.

Scaramucci replied playfully, “We round up. 4.1.’

However, his jokes didn’t end there.

“The Mooch” interacted with a tweet that referred to the live stream of a head of lettuce launched by The Daily Star earlier this year.

The live stream, aptly titled “Will Liz Truss Outlast This Lettuce,” gained internet notoriety for its hilarious comment on Truss’ expected shortfall in 10 Downings.

Scaramucci quoted a tweet from someone who shared a photo of the head of lettuce with the caption, “The lettuce is gonna win, isn’t it?”

‘But it survived the milk in the fridge. I couldnt do that! Kudos,” said the former White House communications director.

Scaramucci joked that

Scaramucci joked that “we’re rounding up” when someone corrected their math on how long Truss lasted as BP compared to his own time in the White House

The Mooch praised Liz Truss for surviving a carton of milk, a feat he failed to achieve while serving as communications director during the Trump administration

The Mooch praised Liz Truss for surviving a carton of milk, a feat he failed to achieve while serving as communications director during the Trump administration

To provide further clarity, Scaramucci provided a clear equation for future short term comparisons

To provide further clarity, Scaramucci provided a clear equation for future short term comparisons

He then gave a simplified comparison against which future politicians who resign after a short time can be measured.

“1 Scaramucci = carton of milk,” he tweeted. ‘Truss = head of lettuce.’

All in all, “The Mooch” Truss gave the politician its seal of approval, calling her actions admirable.

“I admire her for standing in the arena and doing the right thing by stepping down at this time,” Scaramucci wrote.

The former White House communications director ended his series of teasing tweets by praising Truss for stepping aside and

The former White House communications director ended his series of teasing tweets by praising Truss for stepping aside and “being in the arena.”

“The Mooch” was one of six people to hold the job during former President Donald Trump’s tenure in the White House.

Three of Trump’s communications directors lasted less than 100 days in the role, with Spicer spending 45 and 49 days during his two stints in the role, Mike Dubke 88 days and Scaramucci 11 days.

The 58-year-old resigned from his position after an interview was published in The New Yorker detailing his anger at leaks and his dislike for Reince Priebus, the former White House chief of staff.

Scaramucci believed he was being confidential during the interview, in which he railed against certain aspects of the job and other White House officials.

Scaramucci famously resigned after just 10 days in July 2017 after complaining about life in the White House in a bombshell piece in The New Yorker

Scaramucci famously resigned after just 10 days in July 2017 after complaining about life in the White House in a bombshell piece in The New Yorker

Since resigning, the man has returned to SkyBridge, his investment firm, and joined CNBC as an employee

Since resigning, the man has returned to SkyBridge, his investment firm, and joined CNBC as an employee

Before taking the job, Scaramucci worked at Goldman Sachs before founding SkyBridge Capital, his own company, which he later sold to take a position in the Trump administration.

Since retiring in July 2017, “The Mooch” has returned to SkyBridge in a senior leadership role.

The man also took on a contributor role on CNBC in 2021.

Scaramucci has made repeated appearances on the network since taking office, sharing insights into finance and investing.

Truss dramatically admitted defeat and announced she is stepping down as Prime Minister today as Westminster prepares for Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak to fight “for the soul” of the party.

Truss is now the shortest-serving Prime Minister in Britain's history.  The next shortest-serving prime minister is more than two months away from her term

Truss is now the shortest-serving Prime Minister in Britain’s history. The next shortest-serving prime minister is more than two months away from her term

The Prime Minister walked to a lectern outside the famous black door to confirm her departure, sealing her fate as the shortest-serving Prime Minister in modern political history.

Revealing that she had informed the King of her decision, she said: “I cannot fulfill the mandate… I will remain Prime Minister until a successor has been chosen.”

Less than 24 hours before filing her resignation, Truss called herself a “fighter, not a slacker.”

She is remembered as the shortest-serving prime minister in Great Britain’s history.

Others also had short tenures like Truss, however none under 100 days.

George Canning was Prime Minister for just 121 days before he died in August 1827

George Canning was Prime Minister for just 121 days before he died in August 1827

Canning's successor, Frederick John Robinson, Viscount Goderic, also made it less than 200 days before being replaced in 1828

Canning’s successor, Frederick John Robinson, Viscount Goderic, also made it less than 200 days before being replaced in 1828

George Canning, a Tory, served as Prime Minister for just 121 days before his death in 1827.

Frederick John Robinson, Viscount Goderich, also served less than 200 days after Canning’s resignation in August 1827.

It lasted 144 days before being relieved in January 1828.