Anti corruption fight in Vietnam without restricted areas or

Anti corruption fight in Vietnam without restricted areas or exceptions

The police actively promote the detection, investigation and handling of corruption and negative cases, the general emphasized during the questioning of government officials by the National Assembly (Parliament) in its sixth session.

The senior official also pointed out the need to perfect institutions and improve the efficiency of state administration in all areas without creating loopholes or shortcomings that allow individuals to exploit them to commit criminal activities.

Responding to MPs’ questions, Lam also referred to personal data protection as a very important issue that she said needs guarantees, especially in the process of digital transformation.

In this regard, the VNA news agency said that the current situation regarding leaks and buying and selling of personal data is very serious. So far this year, the ministry has warned and dealt with many cases related to database breaches, he said.

The Vietnamese Minister of Public Security expects that in 2024 the ministry he leads will propose the drafting of a law on personal data protection to be submitted to the National Assembly, as well as an amendment to the 2015 Criminal Code with a view to incorporating the Criminal offense of disclosing and passing on personal data.

Another senior government official who addressed Parliament today was Industry and Trade Director Nguyen Hong Dien, who praised the fact that Vietnam has ranked among the top 20 countries with the largest international trade volume in the world over the past three years.

He pointed out that the growth rate achieved during this period was around 12.5 percent and a continuous trade surplus was also achieved. In the first 10 months of 2023, Vietnamese trade exchange increased by $2.6 billion, he said.

According to Hong Dien, these results are due to the effective use of free trade agreements signed by the Indochinese nation, which covers around 60 countries and territories, including the world’s major economic powers.

The sixth session of the Vietnamese National Assembly began on October 23rd and will last until November 28th and is divided into two phases, the first of which ends on the 10th.
