Does the PLQ have a future?
In the short term, the answer is no. The PLQ today embodies a radical multicultural federalism that cuts it off from the historic French-speaking majority, without which electoral victory is impossible.
In the medium term it has a future. For one simple reason: mass immigration is an electoral advantage for the PLQ.
This was acknowledged without embarrassment by Balarama Holness, the ultra-multicultural activist who is considering running for its leadership.
Let us quote: The PLQ will “take two decades to strengthen in the regions while there are demographic changes.” In other words, the less francophone the regions are, the more the PLQ will advance there.
Jacques Parizeau has already been crucified for denouncing the demographic barrier to independence. Today, the PLQ openly welcomes this.
This discourse is becoming ever broader and more unrestrained.
Idil Issa, a well-known multicultural activist, explained this in broken French at an Amnesty International seminar in January 2021, where she was kind enough to attack me.
“Ultimately, the demographic will win. Mathieu Bock-Côté’s Quebec is the Quebec of the past. They try to take a photo and freeze Quebec the old fashioned way. We are diverse, Quebec is different now. We must be inclusive. We must not alienate young people. We have to give them a place. I want everyone who wants to become a teacher to study education and law. Don’t be afraid, Bill 21 won’t stay in Quebec, that’s for sure. Like I said, whether it’s the year 2300, we’ll make it.”
This discourse is explicitly based on the demographic minority of French-speaking Quebecers through massive immigration to create a new Quebec.
This speech wishes the disappearance of our people.
We are too much at home for these people.
This is hate speech against Quebec.