1663640929 AntiStress Recipe Soapbox Teachers Letter and Photos What a 100YearOld

AntiStress Recipe, Soapbox, Teacher’s Letter and Photos: What a 100YearOld Time Capsule Kept at School

What was inside? A veritable treasure trove of curiosities: such as photos, documents and news. The director at the time left an antistress recipe. He imagined life would be very hectic these days. And he did it.

Also books, sheet music and drawings. A soap box from the period and even banknotes and coins were kept in the box.

Carlos and Luiz were high school students in the 1950s, their grandfather is one of the 1922 graduates and left a letter in the time capsule. See what she said in the video above.

Watch the full report in the video below:

School in central Sao Paulo reveals 100yearold secret

School in central Sao Paulo reveals 100yearold secret

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