antiwar journalist Marina Ovsyannikova is back with controversy

antiwar journalist Marina Ovsyannikova is back … with controversy

Carrying a quilt with the inscription “Every human life is priceless” on his back, he loaded bags of clothes and shoes into a van to donate to Ukrainian refugees housed in the Kaluga region of Russia. Marina Ovsyannikova, the protagonist of the live blitz on TV of the First Russian Channel, who says no to the war in Ukraine, has given up the role of journalist to take on the role of volunteer. Not without controversy. Indeed, referring to the experience of raising funds between friends and neighbors and delivering goods in the Zvezdny sanatorium, Ovsyannikova reports that she could not enter the building even without cameras, and that the director of the sanatorium was first consulted to find out what she needed, face to face he told her that he had everything and that he could only get new things. The used ones would be given to the Red Cross. “I only have a few photos from this trip said the reporter on her Telegram channel. Journalists who traveled with me were banned from posting videos. But I really hope that all our stuff will eventually reach those in need. “It is a pity, he concluded, “that we have not been able to speak to the Ukrainians and convey words of support and love to them personally.