The latest video released by Porta dos Fundos has caused a stir on social media. The prostate cancer awareness skit starred Antonio Fagundes, who used a series of profanities and jokes about the test feared by many men. The impact broke the channel’s viewing records and also sparked important conversations about men’s health. Antonio Tabet, one of the actors in the campaign and founding partner of Porta, gave an insight behind the scenes of the unusual idea.
— Someone from Porta dos Fundos presenting the campaign would certainly not have the same impact. We thought about who would be the best person, someone with an impeccable reputation and high credibility. The first name was Fagundes. Obviously, when we said that, people at the meeting said: “No, Fagundes will not agree.” When we contacted us, he immediately agreed shared Tabet, who commented on the impact: “The video broke our records this year and had almost 3 million views in less than 24 hours.” Crazy! But nothing could go wrong. It is a noble cause and people were able to see Fagundes in a place completely different from his domain. I loved it. It’s a privilege to film with a living legend like him. It was a very precise cannon shot.
During the recording the atmosphere was relaxed and relaxed.
—Everything went great. He was very willing that day. We filmed super fast. And it was funny, we obviously had fun shared Tabet, who indicated that the laughter was constant, especially when Fagundes used swear words during the scenes: “He himself had fun saying so many swear words during the scenes.” As When the director made the cut, there was general laughter. Everyone was excited to make this video and we were sure it would blow up.
Addressing such a sensitive topic as digital rectal exams, Tabet emphasized the importance of reaching the target audience:
— It was very important for people to see in this video a man like Fagundes, who since the 70s has represented a masculinity status for a part of the population, which is precisely the target group of this campaign. “Men tend to underestimate their own health, close their eyes to it and have prejudices,” says Tabet.