Antonio Pavon laments being doped in a taxi My vision

Antonio Pavón laments being doped in a taxi: “My vision disappeared until I lost consciousness”

Strong explanations. Antonio Pavon surprised locals and strangers alike by using their social networks to file a strong complaint. And it so happens that the bullfighter confessed that they drugged him in a taxi last weekend.

“Friends, I want to tell you about a horrible experience I had this weekend. We had a few drinks with friends after lunch last Friday. “At 8pm I decide to retire to go home and rest because I had to work early,” he said at the beginning of the video.

Through his official account Facebook and Instagramthe ex-partner of Sheyla Rojas He told of the horrors he experienced in the taxi and how he gradually lost consciousness.

“I’m taking a cab off the street with all my confidence and my last feeling was a very bad pain in my head and it seemed like my vision was blurring until I lost consciousness. I remember trying to get out of the taxi. added.

However, the foreigner also revealed that he was quite confused when he found himself in a van with two women who had rescued him from a possible robbery.

“Then I remember being in a van with some ladies I didn’t know at all. I woke up in a state of fear and panic. The first thing I thought was that they were trying to rob me, or that they had drugged me, or that they had done something strange to me. I blamed the ladies and they told me they just wanted to help me. to express.

Be careful – Antonio Pavón was drugged in a taxi

Who helped Antonio Pavón when he was drugged?

After you have submitted your report to the police, Antonio Pavon He asked to contact the two women who had taken care of him after the horrific event. He also stressed that he apologized for the bad reaction from them and even referred to them as “his guardian angels.”

“I went to the police station and the police were able to put me in touch with the ladies to cross-check versions. We understood that they saw me in the middle of the route with a car disappearing from the scene and I felt dizzy. You put me in the station wagon and take me home safe and sound. I apologized for my behavior and thanked them for being my angels. ended with the words