Antonio Ricci he wanted it to be inaugurated Remove the messages. But Barbara D’Urso He couldn’t do it, and the reasons why, it’s revealed, are the same legal nature. The patron of the satirical news program reveals that the moderator’s relationship with Mediaset would not have stopped even if there were sudden outbursts or hateful statements.
During the Striscia la NOTEIA press conference (here are the statements at the beginning of prime time), Ricci explained:
“I had the chance to do it Listen to Barbara D’Urso asking her to take part in the first episode I enter with Gabibbo to say that I am here with my heart. She replied that she couldn’t for legal reasons, but said so He will tell the truth in January. Let’s wait.”
This also means that we will not see Barbara D’Urso again on television until the new year and that the presenter could make new revelations about the years spent at Mediaset in January 2024 – that is, after the contract with Mediaset expires. Ricci also expressed his opinion Myrta Merlin:
“I haven’t been able to see Myrta Merlino yet. But I never followed her, All I know is that she’s Tardelli’s girlfriend. She replaces Barbara D’Urso, who seemed like a pillar of Mediaset.”