Any job you need to do is welcome

“Any job you need to do is welcome”

the cuban actor Erdwin Fernández Collado, who arrived in the United States in JanuaryHe asserted that he was not afraid of work and was willing to do anything else to make a living, even if it was far from a stage.

Erdwin, son of acclaimed actors Nilda Collado and Erdwin Fernández, shared on his Facebook wall that many friends and followers are wondering what he will be up to now, away from Cuba, where he has developed much of his acting career.

“They ask me, ‘When are we going to see you at the movies? They tell me, ‘Fight. You’ll make it!'” he said.

The artist wanted to share aspects of his life and family history in response to some malicious people who jokingly told him he had to carry boxes or work in construction in Miami.

She remembered that her paternal grandmother named María Luisa (Magüe) was a seamstress and sewed very hard.

“He came to Havana with my little father and his work has made him the artist he is. He rented an apartment where we were born and he paid my father’s tuition. He clothed him, he clothed us, and he was created by the artist everyone remembers now, in addition to the talent that God gave him,” he said.

Her maternal grandparents, Delia Diaz (Manena) and José Manuel, didn’t have it easy either. She in a candy factory and he in his box business, “they made my mother the educated, kind and talented woman she was,” she said.

“Why is there so much prejudice against work? My family taught me that work, whatever it is, is wonderful, and they made my parents and I who we are. I’m not afraid to act welcome to life. They taught me that,” he said.

Erdwin told those who believe offending him by telling him he may not be able to continue acting, that he will always remain the same artist and as such does not despise any other work.

“Many of you carry boxes, work in construction or are retired and for me, for us they are just as important. Therefore without fear: to work!” he concluded.

The actor wished his wife Adriana a happy birthday, who left Cuba with him.

In March he thanked the Reception in Miami, where he was able to see “wonderful people”. work much.”

“A night at the Trail Theater with Dianelis Brito and Mijail Mulkay who had the delicacy of putting me on stage and saying nice things about me. THANK YOU,” he said.

Erdwin was happy to see old acting friends again.

“Carlos Otero, the first to worry about me. Tony Cortés, Bernardito Menéndez, Armando Tomey, La Casa de Maca, Lucila Granados, Sandra Marpez, Chano Isidrón and many more,” he listed.

In his final years in Cuba, Fernández had openly criticized the government.

Because of this, he was held accountable by the Ministry of Culture, where they warned him that they would read all his posts on social networks and find out if he was getting paid.

“The problem is, that Anything you say will be considered Empire mercenarieseven criticize an economic measure,” he said on the show hosted by Alexander Otaola in his first statements after arriving in Miami.