AOC criticizes Kevin McCarthy for “toothless” statements about Marjorie Taylor Green and Paul Gossar

representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tore down House of Representatives minority leader Kevin McCarthy over what she called a “toothless” statement of condemnation after republican Representatives Marjorie Taylor Green and Paul Gossar appeared at white nationalist events.

“McCarthy has been defending his little KKK Caucus for years with these toothless statements and meetings. That’s how he covers them, “New York democrat tweets on monday night. “Now he has been helping them for so long that they have escalated their open anti-Semitism and cooperation with white nationalist groups. He is just as guilty, “she added.

Green was in Orlando, Florida over the weekend to speak at the Conservative Political Action Conference, but was also a surprise guest at the American Political Action Conference, organized by white nationalist Nick Fuentes.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tore up House Leader Kevin McCarthy for what she called a

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tore up House Leader Kevin McCarthy for what she called a “toothless” statement of condemnation after Republicans Marjorie Taylor Green and Paul Gossar appeared at white nationalist events

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“McCarthy has been defending his little KKK Caucus for years with these toothless statements and meetings. That’s how he covers them, “the New York Democrat tweeted Monday night, adding that the Republican leader was” guilty. ”

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said on Monday he would speak to MPs Marjorie Taylor Green and Paul Gossar about participating in white nationalist events, saying CNN Green's appearance over the weekend was

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy said on Monday he would speak to MPs Marjorie Taylor Green and Paul Gossar about participating in white nationalist events, saying CNN Green’s appearance over the weekend was “horrifying and wrong”.

Gosar appeared in person at AFPAC last year and recorded a message about the event this year.

Monday night McCarthy told CNN it was “horrible and wrong” for Green to speak to AFPAC.

“There’s no place in our party for any of this,” said the California Republican. That is unacceptable. “

Said McCarthy he was going to meet Green and Gosar.

Green defended his appearance by saying he did not know Fuentes – who is also anti-Semitic and Holocaust-denying. He attended the Unite the Right white rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017, which turned out to be deadly.

“I do not know Nick Fuentes. I’ve never heard him speak, I’ve never seen a video. I don’t know what his views are, so I don’t agree with anything that is contradictory, “Green Robert Costa told CBS’s CPAC on Sunday. “I went to his event last night to address his many followers because they are very young followers and this is a generation I am extremely concerned about.”

At AFPAC, the crowd hailed Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was involved in a deadly attack on Ukraine, and Fuentes complimented comparisons between Putin and Nazi leader Adolf Hitler.

“Now they are talking about Russia and Vladimir Putin. They say it’s not good, “Fuentes said before Green took the stage.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Green was in Orlando, Florida this weekend to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference (pictured), but was also a surprise guest at the White Nationalists Conference, America's First Political Action Conference.

Representative Marjorie Taylor Green was in Orlando, Florida this weekend to attend the Conservative Political Action Conference (pictured), but was also a surprise guest at the White Nationalists Conference, America’s First Political Action Conference.

The AOC also said McCarthy

The AOC also said McCarthy “does not want to alienate its base” when it refused to condemn Green’s appearance at the conference for the second day in a row. “You know what, I commented on that yesterday,” he told a reporter on Tuesday

McCarthy made these comments, condemning Green’s appearance to Punchbowl News.

– She personally went to answer this. But I think with this introduction you had to leave the stage, “McCarthy said.

Instead of Green entered the hall shiningsaying to the crowd, “Well, hello canceled Americans!”

McCarthy finished talking about Green’s appearance by Tuesday.

“You know what, I commented on that yesterday. I understand your work, I understand what you are trying to do, I have already commented on that. “We have a war in Europe that we have not fought since World War II,” McCarthy told a news conference. “You can take my statement, which I said yesterday, and release it once again.

Ocasio-Cortez also criticized this.

“He doesn’t want to alienate his base,” the New York Democrat tweeted.

In November, Gosar was reprimanded and removed from the House’s anime-sharing committees on Twitter, showing him killing Ocasio-Cortez.

In February 2021, Green was also stripped of her duties on the committee for her support on social media for right-wing conspiracy theories and violence against Democrats.