At the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary on 25. Pope Francis it also wants to connect all the Catholic bishops of the world. Yesterday the Holy See made it clear: the act will be carried out in communion with the Churches of all continents. And many dioceses have already agreed to the Bishop of Rome’s appeal. It leaves no room for misunderstanding and is consistent with what sister has repeated several times Lucia dos Santos about the modalities to be followed.
In 1929, says the visionary, “Our Lady told me:” The moment has come when God asks that the Holy Father, together with all the bishops of the world, consecrate Russia to my Immaculate Heart and promises to save it in this way “” . Twelve years earlier, at the apparition of Fatima July 13, 1917 Recognized by the Church, the Rosary Queen had asked for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart, declaring that otherwise Russia would “spread its errors throughout the world and encourage wars and persecutions of the Church. The good he added will suffer martyrdom, the Holy Father will have to suffer a lot, different nations will be destroyed“.
Now the Pope returns to repeat: as an apocalyptic outcome approaches which brings us closer to mankind’s selfdestruction, that God has a plan of salvation for history and not just for single individuals. And the interpretative key that he proposes to us is the message of Our Lady at Fatima. This may be the most important event not only of the twentieth century, during which it contributed to the fall of the Soviet Union and its socialcommunist empire, but of the twentyfirst as far as we know.