1674589107 Apocalypse Clock At 90 Seconds To Midnight The End Of

Apocalypse Clock At 90 Seconds To Midnight: The End Of The World Is Near, According To Scientists Virgil News

Scientists have moved the hands of the Doomsday Clock further towards midnight, signifying the end of the world: Here’s why

Posted on: 2023-01-24 20:02

Mirko Ledda


He has been writing online for 15 years, taking his first steps as a ghostwriter for small and medium-sized companies and debunking fake news. He has long been involved in culture, theater and independent music. He loves crime news, politics and everything related to health and nutrition.


The apocalypse is approaching. There are only seconds until the end of the world. At least metaphorically, according to the initiative apocalypse watchbetter known in Italy as apocalypse clockwhich was founded in 1947 by a group of scientists.

What is the doomsday clock and what does midnight mean?

The count who accomplishes 75 years old This year, it came from a pool of scientists from the University of Chicago’s Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists.

It is a watch fictitious which measures the danger of a hypothesis end of the world through the metaphor of the passage of time.

All the more lack of time midnightwhich symbolizes the end of the world, and all the more the danger is far away.

Initially only represented midnight War atomicbut since 2007, every event that could set the word definitively is considered End to humanitylike climate change.

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90 seconds until the end of the world: alarm from the scientists

The clock has been set 1947 at 23.53, seven minutes to midnight. And in 75 years the hands have moved 23 times.

The last move has been made January 24, 2023when closest proximity was reached at midnight, straight 90 seconds.

Therefore, through mathematical calculations, scholars have determined that we have never been so close to the end of the world. There are four thematic areas into which the threats to the planet are categorized according to the apocalypse clock.

  • nuclear weapons.
  • climate crisis.
  • biological threats.
  • Misinformation and destructive innovation.

Apocalypse Closer: The Risks of Nuclear Weapons

The war in Ukraine is the event that moved the most hands of the imaginary clock, but the scientific commission is also concerned about the non-renewal of the Nuclear armistice between Russia and the United Stateswhich expires in 2026.

The expansion of the nuclear arsenal Chinawhich, according to forecasts, will increase fivefold by 2035 could have unforeseeable consequences for the stability of international equilibria.

Then you take care of them North Koreawith the launch of long-range missiles, Iran’s nuclear race, war spending incurred by India and Pakistan.

Apocalypse ever closer: The risks of the climate crisis

The invasion of Ukraine also has devastating effects on climate change. In fact, countries dependent on Russian gas have had to spend large sums on alternative gas suppliers.

This has drastically reduced spending on renewable energy and the energy transition.

Meanwhile, CO2 emissions have increased in various powers, such as the US and India, following the halt in manufacturing activities due to the Covid pandemic.

The world is experiencing an increasing number of extreme weather events related to climate change, with famine and economic damage bringing many populations to their knees.

The Apocalypse Approaches: The Risks of Biological Threats

Covid is not the only major and worrying health event we have experienced. Since 1980, the risks associated with the emergence of new diseases and new viruses have increased exponentially around the world.

Pathogens of animal origin could still create the species jump and infect humans. Not to mention that accidents happen every day in the lab.

A risk is also represented by the Warand there are fears that an escalation in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine could lead to the use of biological weapons.

The Apocalypse Approaches: The Risks of Fake News and Technology

From the perspective of disinformation and some fake news, there is good news. Western countries are striving to eradicate this threat, which could have serious consequences for the history of our species.

Worry about the lack of freedom of the press in Russia and China. In addition, surveillance and identification technologies in the Asian power pose great risks for human rights and thus for civil society as a whole.


Photo source: ANSA