Appearance of right wing extremists riots in Sweden

Appearance of right-wing extremists: riots in Sweden

After the approval of right-wing rallies, riots broke out again overnight in Sweden.

In Malmo, a bus caught fire after strangers threw a flaming object into the vehicle, Swedish broadcaster SVT reported. Passengers had to be evacuated. Other vehicles and several garbage cans also burned in Malmö. Rocks and Molotov cocktails were thrown at the police.

Qur’anic Burns

The backdrop is several rallies by a well-known right-wing extremist. The police approved this. There have been riots in some cities in recent days after police authorized right-wing gatherings to burn the Quran. A rally took place in Malmo on Saturday afternoon.

In the southern city of Örebro, several police cars were set on fire on Good Friday. About a dozen police officers were injured. There were also rock-throwing riots in the capital Stockholm.