Apple is working on a new Metropolis series by Sam Esmail

Just in time for the US copyright on Fritz Lang’s Metropolis to expire this December, Apple is preparing to produce a new streaming series inspired by the original 1927 classic.

Apple announced today that it has been introduced Mr. Robot creator Sam Esmail to write, direct, executive producer and show a new one Metropolis show for Apple TV plus as part of Esmail’s overall deal with Universal Content Productions. A word for the new Metropolis it first appeared in 2016, when it was not yet clear which network or streamer might want to move forward with the adaptation.

In Lang’s original Metropolis – adapted from the author’s novel of the same name, Thea von Harbu, a futuristic and highly stratified metropolis, becomes the epicenter of a revolution when Freder, the son of a wealthy capitalist, discovers the terrifying truth of what it takes to keep the city functioning. Metropolis“The focus on the exploitation of the poor and the working class, forced to risk their lives to maintain the city’s technological infrastructure, was appropriate when the film first appeared in the 1920s, and it’s easy to imagine a modern incarnation that resonates with the audience today. What is also easy to imagine, however, is that Apple is very careful about what stories of technology breaches it wants on its streaming platform.