1687633831 Apple multiplies the gray areas to maintain absolute control over

Apple multiplies the gray areas to maintain absolute control over the App Store – iGeneration

Since its inception, the App Store has been incredibly successful. Within a few years it has developed into one of the most important platforms on the Internet. Since its inception, the App Store has been regularly criticized for its validation problems: too slow, too random…

Apple multiplies the gray areas to maintain absolute control overPhillip Schuhmacher

For Phillip Shoemaker, all of these issues are related to Phil Schiller’s desire to be in control of his platform. The man in question knows what he’s talking about, having been hired by Apple in 2009 to lead the App Validation team in the App Store after complaining a lot about how it works as a developer. It remained until 2016.

Memories of the first app validation lead on

Memories of the App Store’s first app validation chief

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