April Fool39s Day 2023 When is it in Peru and

April Fool's Day 2023: When is it in Peru and where does this holiday come from? The Republic of Peru

Many people often joke about their colleagues and loved ones. Photo: LR Composition/Mentemaravillosa/Diffusion

He April Fool's Day or Holy Innocents It is a holiday where people usually play pranks on those closest to them. Even some media outlets portray fake news as jokes, eliciting laughter from the audience. This festival is the equivalent of April Fool's Day, which is celebrated in European countries and the United States. However, they are completely opposite data and have different origins.

Find out when April Fool's Day is and the origins of this tragic holiday in this note.

When is April Fool's Day 2023?

This April Fool's Day in 2023 is the Thursday, December 28th, like every year. So if someone tells you news or asks you to borrow money that day, avoid falling. This date is completely April Fools' Day, namely April 1st.

What does April Fool's Day mean?

Although it is a date expected by pranksters because they tend to deceive others with expressions such as “innocent little pigeon being fooled” or “may innocence prevail”, in reality it is a date tragic date within the Catholic religion. This day commemorates the massacreInnocent saints“This is a biblical fact that commemorates the time when King Herod ordered the killing of all children under the age of two.

On the other hand, when it comes to jokes, the custom of Festival of Fools middle aged. It was a carnival-like and irreverent celebration with music, costumes and parodies of the priests of the time.

What is the origin of April Fool's Day or April Fool's Day?

This is a celebration that is like that Originated in 1582. This happened when Pope Gregory XIII. introduced the Gregorian calendar, which is still used today. Later King Charles IX changed. of France the New Year from April 1st to January 1st. Many people didn't hear the warning and celebrated as if nothing had happened. Therefore, those who complied began to make fun of them by making jokes and celebrating with fake gifts. This tradition was carried over from there.

What is the reason for the custom of making jokes on April Fool's Day?

During the Middle Ages, when Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire, pagan festivals were gradually replaced by Christian festivals. The commemoration of the Massacre of the Holy Innocents was associated with a pagan rite known as the “Festival of Fools,” which was celebrated between Christmas and New Year.