1700154998 Arabs and Palestinians want peace Because it is a fake

“Arabs and Palestinians want peace.” Because it is a fake Nicola Porro

Israel Palestine

The Palestinian question no longer seems to concern the Palestinians for a long time. This apparent paradox hides the tragic truth of the end of an ideal. This only remains in rhetoric the new leaders of Islamic fundamentalism They inflame the masses of desperate “landless” people by teaching them to hate the Jews and the West.

Indeed, what was once known as The Palestinian cause has been swallowed up by Islamic forces It becomes one of the many forms that anti-Western jihad takes. Although the Palestinians’ crusade for a homeland was historically questionable and undermined by their countless refusals to reach an agreement with Israel, it shared some common characteristics, at least philosophically.

Although this matter has always been exploited by the Arab countries bordering Israel (Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, Egypt) to justify their military actions, which until a few decades ago never had the goal of giving land to refugees who did not have it. It always existed nor the hope that the landless could one day finally have a home. After that, the last hopes seemed to be dashed the failure of the Camp David Accords in 2000. Despite the powerful concessions that Israeli Prime Minister Barak made to Arafat, including, it should be noted, part of Jerusalem, the holy of holies there is for the Jews, the latter ensured the failure of the summit by rejecting these offers sensationally rejected.

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Fears began to arise among the parties involved and their respective populations that a solution would never be reached. With Hamas’ takeover of the Gaza Strip in 2007, hope disappeared forever. The Islamic forces violently expelled the “more moderate” representatives by al-Fatah, which imposes Sharia rule over Gaza. Over the years, Hamas forces grew richer and continued to attack Israel at a rapid pace. Terrorism has always been a feature of the Palestinian armed struggle against the Jewish state. Habash’s bombs An example of this is the items placed on buses, supermarkets or airplanes, not to mention the kidnappings, kidnappings, attacks and massacres of innocent civilians (1972 Munich Olympics and more).

However, the terrorist actions aimed to draw the world’s attention to the Palestinian cause; to show that they were willing, albeit through barbarism, to kill and die for the cause. The Islamization of the Middle East which began in the 1970s, laid the foundation for the progressive emptying of the original meaning of the Palestinian cause. This reality is particularly evident in the financial and ideological support that the Islamic Republic of Iran has provided and continues to provide to the Hamas and Hezbollah groups.

Before taking power Khomeiniand thus the Islamization of the nation, the Shah’s Iran was even Israel’s ally in the Yom Kippur War. Today it is his worst enemy. The landless become a tool that Arab countries use as an excuse to abolish the State of Israel. The alleged imperialism of the Jews is being exploited by Arab leaders to wage their struggle against the Jews themselves and to reduce the Palestinians to instruments of struggle.

Hamas and Hezbollah have over time monopolized armed struggle and with them the Palestinian cause, which is no longer being advanced by the PNA and its faded leader Abu Mazen. The fight against Israel takes on the harsh and barbaric tones of the war between Islam and Western civilization. The events of October 7th are confirmation of this. In West Bank cities, they ignore the Hamas massacres and view them as heroes. The new heroes of the Palestinian struggle for land. A country that already exists and is precisely the West Bank. For security reasons, Jewish settlers live there to guard the sensitive border with Jordan.

Hamas leaders have repeatedly admitted that they do not care about the fate of the hundreds of thousands of victims of the Gaza siege. Our goal is not to bring water back to where there is no water and electricity to where it is needed. They just want war. A permanent war against Israel until it is abolished. The new ideologies that illuminate the actions of these “freedom fighters” are not Marxist or Leninist theories of imperialism or forms of extreme socialism, but the ideas of the great modern theorists of jihad such as the Egyptian Sayyid Qutb. Enforce Islamic law by force where it is not present. And destroy by force wherever Jahiliyyah (ignorance) reigns, that is, all nations that do not respect the Prophet’s commandments.

Just as the defeat of Soviet communism in Afghanistan in 1989 laid the foundation for the extreme Islamization of that part of the world that would see ISIS several decades later, so too the original Palestinian struggle for land is nothing more than a faded remnant of the past Memory, alive only in the violent rhetoric used to incite the landless. Islam absorbed it and put its stamp on it which makes the possibility of a final solution even more distant. The Arabs and their Shiite competitors don’t care about the Palestinians. Just as they didn’t care in the past, they won’t care now unless they take advantage of it.

The landless believe in them because they have no one else to believe in. But we Westerners should, at least for a moment, see reality for what it is. Those calling for peace should know that there can never be peace as long as Islamic fundamentalist forces foment conflict between Palestinians and Jews. Not a “two countries for two peoples” solution. This is not what the Arab countries want, they never wanted it. Maybe we’ll never fully get out of this. However, understanding this is already a step forward.

Francesco Teodori, November 16, 2023

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