Archbishop takes action against the Pope and bans priests from

Archbishop takes action against the Pope and bans priests from blessing samesex couples: "Contradicts teaching" Correio newspaper

Conflict in the church

Archbishop takes action against the Pope and bans priests from blessing samesex couples: “This contradicts the teaching”

According to the Kenyan priest, the blessing “contradicts traditional Catholic teaching on marriage and family.”

  • Photo by author Jornal O Povo

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Published on December 25, 2023 at 4:50 p.m

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Pope Francis chooses Pelé as the best player in the world

null Photo credit: Vatican News/Disclosure

The Archbishop of Nairobi, Kenya, has banned priests in his archdiocese from blessing samesex couples. The announcement was made this Saturday the 23rd and contradicts the Vatican's decision of last Monday the 18th. According to Philip Anyolo, the priest in charge of the ban, the measure contradicts “the Church's disapproval of homosexual partnerships” .

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The decision was criticized by the conservative Catholic community and Francis was called a “servant of Satan” by Archbishop and former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States Carlo Maria Viganò.

In Nairobi, Philip Anyolo said that the relationship between samesex couples “goes against reason, nature and traditional African culture” and that the Catholic Church does not have the power to bless this type of union.

According to the African priest, the blessing “contradicts traditional Catholic teaching on marriage and family, including the Church's disapproval of homosexual unions.”

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According to the Pope's decree, the new regulation on blessing samesex couples takes place in the “pastoral sense of blessing” and does not change “the Church's enduring teaching on marriage.” Nor can the blessing be given in liturgical rites or in ceremonies similar to a wedding celebration.

Article originally published in The people

Image  Pope Francis is called a “servant of Satan” for approving blessings for samesex couples

Image  Pope Francis approves blessing of samesex couples, but maintains doctrine on marriage