Are masks useful to protect against smog

Are masks useful to protect against smog?

The province of Quebec has experienced the worst episode in its history in terms of smog, which is why many citizens have taken out their masks.

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Even if the air quality has recovered to some extent, further episodes of smog can be expected in the future.

The question is beyond doubt, according to Dr. Réal Barrette, Medical Director at the Center of Expertise in Chronic Diseases at the Integrated University Health and Social Services Center in East Montreal.

“I think that all people who are aware of the environment and of the problems can actually expect that we will see more episodes of this type in the coming days, months and years,” he told an interview with TVA Nouvelles.

Smoke is expected in Montreal “in places overnight,” according to Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Mr Barrette reminds that smog can have consequences for people suffering from heart or lung diseases.

“These people will feel the effects that last for several hours, potentially making their illness worse for several days,” he explains.

However, according to Mr Barrette, the most important thing for everyone is to “avoid exposure”.

“The law of common sense still applies: you go out, you feel it, you see it… I think everyone, but particularly vulnerable people, should say to themselves: avoid exposure first,” he says.

During the smog episodes that hit the province this week, many citizens protected themselves with a mask.

“You have to understand first, this is the most important thing: Ordinary masks don’t work.” And it’s important to say it, because people wear that, they feel like they have armor and they can expose themselves… no , no! It’s these masks that don’t work, it’s the N95 that can work,” explains Mr. Barrette.


So during smog episodes, it’s a good idea to wear an N95 when you can’t be indoors.

Mr. Barrette also points out that the various CISSSs and CIUSSSs in Quebec are currently “in the process of establishing a distribution network for people who have needs or absolutely need to go outside”.

While some parents are distraught to see their children locked indoors because of the smog, Mr Barrette assures that it’s “really best” to avoid the outdoors as much as possible.

Mr Barrette would also like to put the effects of smog into perspective, for example for children and young people who do not suffer from heart or lung problems.

“That said, we’re not talking about long-term damage here, we’re not talking about a disease that develops on its own or anything … it’s a discomfort that they’re going to feel right away.” If at some point there’s no good blood left, they have to get out , they have to keep going, I think that will be handled well. On the other hand, I would pay special attention to children who have asthma,” explains Mr. Barrette.