Are Sanchez39s days numbered quotSecret agreement on amnesty Europe will

Are Sanchez's days numbered? "Secret agreement on amnesty, Europe will take care of it"

For Pedro Sanchez it will be bad. The outgoing prime minister has been at the center of the storm for weeks after winning parliament's confidence on November 16. As? Granting an amnesty to Catalan independents in return for their support. “The bad news for Sanchez is that it won’t work well for him, nor will it be free,” he says now Alberto Nunez Feijoo. The leader of the Popular Party (PP) warned the president of the Spanish government that the European Union will be “fundamental” to stop the amnesty law agreed by the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) with Catalan independence groups.

According to him, “in the EU They take the rule of law seriously of the member countries, they know that court decisions must be respected and that politicians do not have the opportunity to leave them ineffective.” And again during a public event: “Sanchez's pact with the separatists was signed to buy the presidency of the government in exchange for judicial impunity”. For this reason, the PP will demand a commission of inquiry to find out “absolutely everything” about the government's negotiations in Geneva with the former president of Catalonia. Carles Puigdemontsince “the country’s interests cannot be negotiated in secret.”

But the warning seems to have escaped Sanchez. That's why, in his speech to the European Parliament, he supported the agreement, saying it would promote the “noble goal of coexistence.” “Today the situation in Catalonia is infinitely better than that of 2017,” he said, then addressed Puigdemont directly. “I would like to say to Mr Puigdemont that it is in our hands to achieve this goal and that we must achieve it through politics, negotiations and the Constitution. I believe the amnesty law is that.” an important step in the right direction.”