Are they lying to the state or are they uninformed

Are they lying to the state or are they uninformed? Tijuana BORDER NEWS AGENCY

TIJUANA BC, JANUARY 1, 2024 (AFN). – The Governor of the State, Marina del Pilar Ávila Olmeda, and the Prosecutor María Elena Andrade Ramírez reiterated to reporters today that they are not investigating the events of the afternoon of December 31 last at the entertainment center “Casa Blanca” and that the Attorney General's Office (FGR) be responsible.
Andrade Ramírez noted that they only do this when the relevant authority “tells them.”
Therefore, both officials stated that it is the federal agency that is conducting the investigation into the incidents in which three people threw the same number of grenades (which did not explode) at the place where the crime would take place. Singer Larry Hernandez.
However, this is not the case, because with the police “report” submitted under number 1377705/23, the General Prosecutor's Office (FGE) opened case number (NUC) 0204 – 2024 – 000051 for the crimes of “threats”.
This begins the state authority's investigation into the events on the afternoon of the end of the year, which, according to the public prosecutor's office, have to do with singers who perform so-called narcocorridos.
“Not all behavior is accurately classified as a crime. They come from municipal administrative matters, as the governor mentioned; “We intervene if you give us information about the possible commission of a crime in your case. In this case, for example, it was not the Public Prosecutor’s Office that intervened, but the Attorney General’s Office of the Republic (FGR),” said Andrade Ramírez.
Asked in this regard, Ávila Olmeda, meanwhile, reiterated the information published on the same day of events regarding the grenades thrown into the entertainment center, assuring that the singer Larry Hernández had not received any prior threat, and confirmed at the same time that elements of the public prosecutor's office as well as state officials and army personnel appeared at the crime scene.
“I understand that there is no direct threat to the singer. In fact, up to this point we have no indication that it was directly about the location or about the singer Larry Hernández; There is no direct threat, so all investigations are being carried out,” said Ávila Olmeda.
A few months ago, the singer Larry Hernández himself published a video on his social networks before a presentation in Tijuana in which he thanked Ávila Olmeda for “the attention” she showed him, including providing a significant number of bodyguards “like in nowhere otherwise,” in addition to a conversation he would have had directly with the President.