Are Vitamin D Supplements Effective New study questions Catraca Livre

Are Vitamin D Supplements Effective? New study questions Catraca Livre

A recently published scientific review has sparked debate about the consumption of vitamin D supplements.

To the surprise of many, research shows that using these agents may not be as effective in preventing disease.

This study, conducted by researchers at the universities of Auckland, New Zealand and Aberdeen, Scotland, was published in the British Medical Journal.

Are Vitamin D Supplements Effective?  New study questions

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Are Vitamin D Supplements Effective? New study questions

Are Vitamin D Supplements Effective?

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for the human body that helps maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles and reduces the risk of fractures.

Our main source of this vitamin is sun exposure itself, but in fall and winter, when sun exposure is lower, there is a need to obtain it through food or supplements.

So taking vitamin D supplements is not recommended?

The above study analyzed several clinical trials to evaluate the effects of vitamin D supplementation on health.

“We conclude that current evidence does not support the use of vitamin D supplementation to prevent disease,” said Mark Bolland, associate professor of medicine at the University of Auckland in New Zealand.

In addition, researchers concluded that there is not enough highquality evidence to show that vitamin D supplementation is beneficial for other health conditions such as heart disease, stroke and some cancers.

Are there any exceptions to taking vitamin D supplements?

According to the research authors, benefits from vitamin D supplementation are most likely observed in populations with severe deficiency of this vitamin.

Given these uncertainties, scientists suggest informing people at high risk about sun exposure and diet and considering the use of lowdose vitamin D supplements on an individual basis.

What is the final advice for vitamin D supplementation?

The final message from the research is that vitamin D supplementation should be undertaken with caution and always in accordance with medical advice.

The best way to get this vitamin is through sun exposure and a balanced diet. However, for people with a proven deficiency or a high risk of developing it, nutritional supplementation can be a sensible alternative, but always taking the individual and their specific needs into account.