1701300644 Arequipa Teenage national cycling champion needs a professional bike

Arequipa: Teenage national cycling champion needs a professional bike

Arequipa Teenage national cycling champion needs a professional bike

Jefferson HuancaThe teenage track cycling champion, just 14 years old, has managed to successfully represent Arequipa and the USA Peru in competitions at home and abroad. Despite his talent and commitment, the path of this promising athlete is becoming more and more demanding as the costs involved are increasing and, unfortunately, he does not receive any financial support from any institution, despite asking for help Cerro Colorado County Municipality.

Arequipa cycling champion: what does he train?

Since the age of six, Jefferson Huanca has been dedicated to cycling, a discipline that he is very passionate about. Thanks to his constant efforts, he has won three gold medals and one silver medal at the 2023 National Youth Athletics Championships held in 2023 Lima.

Every day the minor is faced with the task of moving Northern Cone from Arequipa to Velodrome from the Peruvian Sports Institute (IPD) in Cerro Juli to continue her training.

Arequipa Cycling Champion: Have you received support from any authorities?

His father, Ruben Huancashared that his son showed interest in developing in this sports discipline, he asked for financial support from both private companies and public institutions, but received only negative answers.

“The previous government of Benigno Cornejo made a commitment to me, he even recognized it and then forgot it. Now a city councilor from Cerro Colorado has also committed to the cards for a championship.” Huancayo and didn’t show up again. “I went to the church and they told me there was no money,” said the father of the family.

Currently, Jefferson does not own a professional bike and needs one to continue achieving success in his sport.

Despite these challenges, Jefferson’s father remains steadfast in his support and calls on the public to support the athlete. If you are interested in any kind of help, you can contact us via the number 948127277.