1673566102 Argentina creates security command for Celac summit CMKX Radio

Argentina creates security command for Celac summit | CMKX Radio Bayamo

Argentina creates security command for Celac summit CMKX Radio

Buenos Aires-. The Argentine government today announced the creation of a unified security command for the VII Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac), scheduled for the 24th.

Through the Official Gazette, the leadership of that country announced that this body will be composed of staff from the Ministry of Security, the National Directorate for Criminal Intelligence, the Federal and Airport Police, the Gendarmerie and the Naval Prefecture, among others.

The command will be active from the 20th to the 25th of this month and will be headed by Commissioner General Juan Carlos Hernández.

The day before, the national coordinator of Celac, Gustavo Martínez, underlined the importance of the event that will take place in this capital and will be chaired by President Alberto Fernández.

Foreign Minister Santiago Cafiero will present the work carried out by Argentina as pro-tempore President of this integration mechanism, guided by the principles of equality in diversity and the preservation of the region as a zone of peace.

The work plan developed in 2022 envisaged 15 axes and more than 70 activities. We highlight the role of Celac as a tool for political agreement in a context marked by an unprecedented crisis caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the war in Ukraine, explained Martínez.

The 33 member countries share the idea that working together empowers individuals and is able to transform the concrete reality of citizens. Only together will we overcome the obstacles, he added.