1683933995 Argentina Elections 2023 when where and for which positions to

Argentina Elections 2023: when, where and for which positions to vote

Argentina Elections 2023 when where and for which positions to

Regional elections are taking place in Argentina this Sunday. You will be in Salta in the north of the country; Tierra del Fuego, in the south and near the so-called end of the world; and La Pampa, a neighboring province of Buenos Aires. Elections for governor and lieutenant governor have also been considered in the province of San Juan, but due to a suspension of the Supreme Court, only lawmakers and mayors will vote. Finally, they were also suspended in all categories in Tucumán, a northern province and neighboring province of Salta.

When and where will the vote take place?

On May 14, elections will be held in the four provinces on the so-called third super Sunday of the year and the polling stations will be open from 08:00 to 18:00. Days ago, on May 7th, there were votes in Jujuy, La Rioja and Misiones; almost a month ago, on April 16, in Río Negro and Neuquén.


For which positions and who can vote in Salta?

This will be one of the provinces of Argentina that will have governor and lieutenant governor votes, as well as 11 provincial senators, 30 provincial deputies, 60 mayors and 343 aldermen. So far, the Salta Electoral Tribunal has indicated that there are a total of 12,207 proposed candidates with 1,082,462 active voters. In total there are 545,725 female voters, representing more than 50% of the population; 536,724 males with 49% and there are 13 non-binary people on the electoral roll.

Eleven candidates will take part in the votes, which will be taken via the unified electronic ballot system, alongside current Governor Gustavo Ruberto Sáenz, who will run alongside Antonio Morocco for the Gustavo Governors Alliance for re-election in the entity.

Who are the candidates?

The opposition candidates who will run for governor are: Claudio Del Pla (Left Front MST-Partido Obrero); Daniela Planes Saiz (Party of Workers for Socialism); Emilio Estrada (Avancemos front); Lia Veronica Caliva (Salta Para Todos – Caliva Gobernadora); Lucio Paz Martínez (Salta Front Advances With You); Marcos Tognolini (Movement to Socialism); Mauro Sabbadini (Front Jumps With Happiness); Miguel Nanni (Together for Change); Ramiro Escorin (electoral instrument for popular unity); Violeta Gil (Labor Policy); Walter Wayar (Between All) and Mauro Sabbadini (Front Salta Goes With Happiness).

How do I know where to vote?

The Electoral Court of the Province of Salta has set up a polling station location directory on its website for citizens to find out where they will be voting. All you have to do here is enter the DNA and select the gender with which they will be identified in the official document.

land of fire

What positions do the people of Tierra del Fuego vote for?

Tierra del Fuego will have votes for the governor, lieutenant governor, 23 legislatures (15 incumbents and 8 deputies), 3 mayors and 8 councilors (5 incumbents and 3 deputies). In the case of a second ballot, if the candidate has not received more than 50% of the votes, according to the provisions of the national constitution, everything will be decided on May 28th. According to the body’s electoral roll, a total of 141,548 people are eligible to vote.

According to the official website of the Judiciary of Tierra del Fuego province, the voter can present the last document received to select their candidate on the ballot papers. “It is important that you do not use a version of the document that is older than the one that appears in the final register. “You cannot vote on electronic versions of the National Identity Document (DNI),” officials said.

Who will be the candidates and from which parties?

As in Salta, current governor Gustavo Melella, in office since 2019, will join Mónica Urquiza in trying to be re-elected by the United Front We Make a Future.

The opposition candidates who will run for governor and lieutenant governor are grouped by Together for Change (Pablo Daniel Blanco and Federico Frigerio). FIT Unit (Lucía Zulma Fernández and María Luisa Meza); PRO (by Héctor Tito Stefani and Paulino Rossi) and TDF Republicans (Andrea Almirón de Pauli and Sebastián Galdeano).

How do I know where to vote?

The Tierra del Fuego judiciary has set up a directory on its website to find the box that citizens are in and where they can vote by simply entering their ID and authenticating.

The Pampa

What positions do you vote for in La Pampa?

This weekend, the offices of governor, lieutenant governor and 40 seats of the provincial deputies will be voted on; It also includes 61 mayors, 519 councillors, 18 chairpersons of promotion commissions, 90 members, and 195 titular and alternate justices of the peace. That makes a total of 925 indictments to be renewed on election day. According to the body’s electoral roll, a total of 298,050 people are eligible to vote.

The Electoral Court of La Pampa has approved 17 model ballots and according to the authorities, you can vote if you meet two requirements: “Argentinian citizens residing in the province of La Pampa who are 16 years of age or older are provincial voters of the election, and that they are not excluded by Article 3 of the National Electoral Law”; In addition, there are four documents that can be presented for identification: Citizen Book/Enrollment Book, DNI, Celeste Book DNI Card, or the new DNI.

Who are the candidates?

Sergio Ziliotto, the current governor of the province, will compete for re-election to that post from the Pampean Justicialista Front through Deputy Alicia Mayoral, who is running for the post of lieutenant governor.

Prominent provincial government candidates include Martín Berhongaray of Together for Change; Luciano González for the Left Front; Claudio Acosta from the party of the foot; Héctor Fazzini for the Pampean Federalist Movement; and Juan Carlos Tierno of the Organized Community.

How do I know where to vote?

The La Pampa Provincial Electoral Court has set up a website to help residents of the entity find out where to vote. All you need to do is have the ID card number handy and select the gender on the site.

San Juan

What positions are you voting for in San Juan?

Due to the stay imposed by Argentina’s Supreme Court, the election of governor, legislative and municipal offices will not take place; However, there will be elections to elect 17 proportional deputies, 19 departmental deputies and 19 departmental mayors by their councillors. According to the electoral court, there are a total of 603,276 active voters for Sunday.

Argentine citizens can vote directly by presenting their ID and, if applicable, immigration certificate, ID card or “other documents issued by the National Register of Persons,” according to the court in an order dated Jan. 2, 2023.

So far, current governor Sergio Uñac has urged the organization to exercise this right: “We went to the polls en masse. Let us show that we Sanjuaninos want to choose our authorities.”

How do I know where to vote?

The San Juan Judiciary has created a website where citizens can check where to vote simply by entering their ID and selecting the gender they identify with. As in Salta, there is also the option for non-binary people in this case.

When does the voting ban start in La Pampa, Salta, San Juan and Tierra del Fuego?

The ban on elections in Argentina’s provinces will begin 40 hours before polling stations open and will be extended for another three hours at the end of the day. This means that this ban ends at 21:00.