Argentina Milei says he will not do business with Lula

Argentina: Milei says he will not do business with Lula and China Portal iG

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Javier Milei, deputy and presidential candidate in Argentina


Javier Milei is leading the presidential race Argentina with around 35% of voting intentions. Last week, the politician took part in an interview with American presenter Tucker Carlson and stated that he would not do business with him Brazil
, China It is Russia

“I said I won’t do business with China, but I won’t do business with any communists. I am a defender of freedom, peace and democracy. Communists don’t go in there [nesse grupo]. The Chinese won’t go in, Putin won’t go in, Lula won’t go in there. We want to be the moral beacon of the continent,” explained the current MP.

Despite the aggressive statement, Milei explained that this does not mean that Argentine businessmen would not have the freedom to negotiate with whomever they want if elected:

“We will not promote any actions with communists or socialists. This does not mean that Argentinians cannot trade. “If they want to do business with China, Russia, Brazil or whoever, that is the Argentinians’ problem,” he concluded.

During the interview, Milei reiterated her political position and stated that she defends freedom liberalism
. He spoke about topics such as abortion, climate issues, the country’s political past and even the politics of the United States.

Known for bold statements and eyecatching actions, such as using a chainsaw in his campaign, Milei attributes his rapid rise in his political career, which began in 2020 when he joined the party Advance freedom to his past and his easytosell image.

“From my point of view, there are two explanations: one has to do with my personal past, when I was a football player, a rock’n’roll singer and an economist. I believe this combination is attractive in terms of a television product. But ideas matter elsewhere. Argentina is fundamentally a country that has espoused socialist ideas for 100 years, so the natural rebellion on this issue is to be liberal.”

Photo: Reproduction/Instagram @javiermilei August 8, 2023

Javier Milei is an economist, but became famous as an economic commentator on television thanks to controversial opinions

The economist also stated that he is ready to dedicate his life to his ideals and not give up his views:

“I am convinced that I am doing the right thing. A life without freedom is not worth living. At some point I was asked if I would give my life for libertarian ideas, and I am willing. And I want to be a witness to this way of life. Slavery seems to be something terrible and I put up my fight and everything I have to give, with all possible consequences, because doing the right thing is nonnegotiable,” he concluded.

Milei advocates that the government not interfere so much in the country’s economy and understands that the state employs many people. The politician has already stated that he will lay off some of these employees, but no fear of riots or protests

“I am not worried because I will rule with the law and the law will last for a long time. There will be no reason for complaint as the first generation renovations are not affected. If the second generation reforms take place, it will be them [os funcionários públicos] Public sector jobs will leave them out for incentive and compensation reasons, so that shouldn’t be a problem. However, if they want to continue causing problems, we will enforce the law and those who commit “trouble” and break the law will be arrested.

On this day elections take place in Argentina October 22nd and the leaders in the polls are Javier Milei of Libertad Avanza (35%), Sergio Massa of Unión por La Patria (25%) and Patricia Bullrich of Juntos por el Cambio (23%).

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