Argentina rejects joining BRICS group and Moscow says it39s a

Argentina rejects joining BRICS group and Moscow says it's a 'missed opportunity'

The government of Javier Milei renounced Argentina's candidacy for the BRICS bloc – the previous economic and political alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa – just hours before the accession agreed by former President Alberto Fernández came into force on January 1, 2024.

In a letter to its members shared with the media by the Argentine Foreign Ministry, Buenos Aires said its participation as a member of the bloc was not considered “opportune.”because the current foreign policy axes are different from those of the previous administration, CNN quoted.

“As you know, the foreign policy outlook of the government that I headed for a few days differs in many ways from that of the previous government. In this sense, some decisions made by the previous government are being reviewed. Among them is the creation of a specialized unit for the country's active participation in the BRICS countries, as President Alberto Fernández indicated in his letter of September 4,” the letter says.

In the letter, the Argentine government reiterates its willingness to intensify bilateral relations with each of these countries and highlights “the increase in trade and investment flows.”

In August I announced the news, Fernández had explained that Argentina's integration represented the possibility of “opening up new markets”.to consolidate existing ones, promote investment flows through job creation, increase exports and develop the application of new and better technologies.”

Argentina's entry would take place alongside new entrants Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates.

Milei had announced during the election campaign that he would not take part in the BRICS countries if he were elected. Then, during a presentation to the Council of the Americas, he argued ideological reasons for this decision, saying: “Our geopolitical line is the United States and Israel. We will not ally with the communists.”

“Trade must be free,” he told reporters after leaving the meeting.

He had said something similar in early November in an interview with journalist Jaime Baily, in which he accused Lula da Silva of being “communist and corrupt,” although he made it clear that “individuals will be able to carry out commercial transactions with anyone that they want.” .” Of the will […] “From my position as head of state, my allies are Israel, the United States and the free world.”

In addition, following the election victory of La Libertad Avanza, a movement that catapulted Milei, current Foreign Minister Diana Mondino announced via her X-Profile that Argentina would not join the bloc: “We will not join the BRICS countries,” wrote them on November 30th.

The five countries that make up the bloc so far represent more than 42% of the world's population, 30% of the territory, 23% of the GDP and 18% of the trade, according to official figures from the Argentine Foreign Ministry. According to the same source, the countries involved together contribute to 16% of global exports and 15% of imports of goods and services.

In addition, the countries of the BRICS group are partners of the New Development Bank (NBD), an institution founded in 2015 and currently chaired by Dilma Rousseff, former president of Brazil. Its official website defines it as a multilateral space “with the purpose of mobilizing resources for infrastructure and sustainable development projects in emerging and developing countries.”

Russia regrets that Argentina has decided to renounce membership in the BRICS group

Russia regretted that Argentine President Javier Milei decided not to allow his country to join the BRICS group of emerging economies, although he considered this to be his “sovereign right.”

“For my part, I can only regret the opportunity missed by Buenos Aires”said Leonid SlutskyChairman of the International Relations Committee of the Duma, or Chamber of Deputies, told the official agency RIA Nóvosti, quoted by EFE.

Slutski recalled that “only Argentine voters” could appreciate their president's decisions, but stressed that popular dissatisfaction with his economic reform program is growing.

“Every state has the right to choose its own development path. Nobody is forcing anyone to join BRICS by force (…) “I hope that this step will not have a destructive impact on the development of the BRICS countries and the growth of their potential.”he claimed.

In this regard, he emphasized that there are already more than twenty countries that want to join this bloc, recalling that the BRICS countries significantly outperform the G7 “in terms of purchasing power parity”.

“The role of BRICS is inevitable, in which all member countries are represented equally, and this is the most important factor for further increasing the attractiveness of the Union,” he noted.

Slutski stressed that this bloc represents a “big challenge” for proponents of the unipolar world, as it is a “real step” in defining what he called “the contours of a just world architecture.”

In mid-December, Putin warned that Milei's planned dollarization of the economy, if the Kremlin and its allies want to abandon US currency in bilateral exchanges, would mean a “significant loss of sovereignty.”

With ALL, The Kremlin assures that Russia is interested in developing relations with Argentina and will focus on “common interests” when interacting with the Milei government.