Prohiben en Francia manifestaciones frente al Consejo Constitucional

Argentine communists plead for unity to win elections

According to preliminary results, UP presidential candidate Sergio Massa had the most votes (36.68 percent) in the race for Casa Rosada and will face La Libertad Avanza leader Javier Milei (29.98 percent). , in a second round, while Together for Change representative Patricia Bullrich was eliminated with 23.83.

In a statement, the PCA pointed out that the support received by UP in the elections represented a remarkable comeback compared to the primaries (about 10 points more) and “a defeat for the forces of the fascist and ultra-liberal right.” .

We feel part of this political achievement because ever since we called for voting for the UP lists, we have committed our militancy to the campaign. We highlight the role of the workers and people of the province of Buenos Aires, which also secured the re-election of Axel Kicillof as governor, the text continues.

Increased efforts are also called for to win the election and to ensure that policies in defense of labor, wages, national sovereignty, democracy, production, education and public health, science and technology are implemented with active social engagement.

It is important to realize that anti-people and anti-national forces are amassing power in provinces, municipalities and parliaments. Added to this is the weight of oligarchies and transnational monopolies. They will not stand idly by. Their actions and conspiracies must be confronted, he points out.

Furthermore, he points out that “measures should first be considered to end subjugation to the constraints of the International Monetary Fund.”

It is necessary to quickly regroup the frontist, anti-imperialist and internationalist left and give impetus to the building of people’s power, for which the role of the PCA is irreplaceable, he concludes.
