Ariel López Padilla’s candid confession about her relationship with José Emilio Fernández Levy

In the middle of the distance José Emilio Fernández LevySon of the late actress Mariana Levy, he faces his older sister María Levy and his adoptive mother Ana Bárbara, in whose affections the young man has found refuge Ariel Lopez Padilla, father of his sister María, who is aware of the emotional conflicts that José Emilio faces due to the physical absence of his mother and after the departure of his grandmother Talina Fernández, and offers him his hand. Something that the actor had spoken about very discreetly, but that Mariana Levy’s youngest son recently revealed to the media, showing his gratitude for the empathy that Ariel showed him by welcoming him as another member of his family. López Padilla provided more details on this very topic after being asked about it during a meeting with the press.



Ariel López Padilla, like a father to José Emilio

With the openness with which he usually shows himself to the media, Ariel answered questions about his relationship with José Emilio. On this occasion, the interpreter wanted to share some details about what he thinks about his daughter María’s brothers, as well as his affection. what he feels for each of them. “Someone once said jokingly and seriously, in the cities they say, ‘If it’s on the side of the fence, it’s ours,’ right? So it seems funny, but it’s true, if my daughter has a relationship with her half-siblings, they automatically become my children, not figuratively, but they become my responsibility, because if they do well, it becomes my daughter “Good,” commented the artist completely honestly. “Everything that happened remains an anecdote, and out of love and loyalty to his mother, to Mariana (Levy), wherever he is, he knows that I will take care of them,” he added emotionally.

The interpreter revealed that both he and his wife Paulina and the children he has with her made the decision to welcome Paula and José Emilio Levy as part of their family out of respect for the young people, although they are each other had behaved very discreetly, he thanked José Emilio for publicly acknowledging the support he had received from them. “That was a problem because we always deal with it very discreetly, because it’s not from now, it’s from a few years ago, also with Paula, so that they know that she can count on us as a family, with Paulina, with me and with the children,” he shared. “We kept it a little secret or didn’t share it, and now a whole situation has arisen for José Emilio because he commented and shared it, and somehow I can tell you that it moves me a lot,” he added.


Regarding the reasons why he and his wife decided to give this support and affection to Mariana Levy’s children, the actor expressed: “There was no intention, I’m worried about her being okay, we’re watching, That gives me something too.” “I am very happy that my daughter is doing well, that she has the feeling that I am integrating her, that we are integrating her, because we hope to be in this world for a long time and that we have the best possible time,” said the interpreter.

What is Ariel’s relationship with Mariana Levy’s children?

Ariel delved deeper into the topic and spoke very candidly about the conditions in which his relationship with Mariana Levy’s minor children took place, making clear the boundaries he set in order to make everyone feel as comfortable as possible. “The part I can take responsibility for is taking care of him as much as I can and as much as he wants. I try not to get involved in the problems they have with other people, with their father, with their uncles, because that’s not my responsibility, it’s my responsibility (e.g.): “Hey, do you have one Place where you can wash your clothes?” Have you eaten yet? Do you want to go watch TV for a while, make him feel like every teenager has a place to be, feel like he has no place to go or anyone to turn to “This is something that can affect you and that hurts you,” said the interpreter. “Our house is their house because they are part of this small universe that makes us little accomplices and participants in everything that happens to us as a family,” he added.