Arisa I like Meloni shes like a strict mother when

Arisa: “I like Meloni, she’s like a strict mother when it comes to LGBT rights.” Points of criticism

“I like Giorgia Meloni because she has a lot of Cazzimma. This thing will turn against me. I once gave a speech in which I said I liked Signora Meloni. All my friends advised me against it, saying I’d been labeled a fascist.” These are the words of Arisa, a guest on La Confessione, Peter Gomez’s television show, in which the singer expressed her sympathy for the premier.

But that’s not all. The artist spoke about Prime Minister Meloni and his positions on LGBTQIA+ rights: “Her positions are not open, but in my opinion she behaves like a very strict and scared mother.” A mother who is not only the mother of a child, but also has four children and seems to be doing things that are good for all four children, maybe even disadvantage one of them. In my opinion it takes time and a change in our attitude, not always in combat but in dialogue.”

The criticisms

Many outraged comments on social media against his statement. “Arisa begins the live broadcast with, ‘Meloni is nice to me,’ and then says, ‘See you at Pride on the 10th.’ But with what courage,” read a tweet. And again: “I would not define a mother who prevents one of her children from having the same rights as the other.” Then Vladimir Luxuria also intervened: “A mother can be gentle or strict, but she must be so towards all her children be, have no children and stepchildren, leave one of her children behind just because it is different from the others and treat it like an ugly one.” Duckling: She doesn’t, she’s strict, she’s an unfair mother. In short, a rain of criticism for the singer who has not yet responded.