A school in Arkansas was convicted of removing a black boy at the same time as his white bully, who was filmed pushing his victim into battle.
The incident happened at Forsyde High School last month, and a mobile phone recording of the violent confrontation between the two students was widely circulated on social media last week, garnering thousands of views and comments expressing anger and concern.
Neither the victim nor his aggressor have been named, but the black boy was filmed trying to dress in the locker room while the white bully poured insulting insults on his mother.
He remained calm while the other boys who stood watched the bully and the bully’s egg. The victim even tries to distance himself from the abuser in one of the many attempts to avoid physical conflict.
Eventually, he was prompted to take revenge after being repeatedly pushed and beaten by a much older boy, and a brutal physical fight ensued.
Reports that both the alleged bully and his victim had been fired for the same period – said to be ten days – led to protests at the school, which ended with a “sitting meeting” last Friday.
Shocking video of a fight in the locker room between a black teenager (center) and a white teenager (right) at Fordyce High School in Arkansas went viral, sparking protests and calls for accountability
The video shows the shirtless boy trying to push the black teenager to fight him, and when his efforts fail, he attacks the other boy.
The black teenager is called by name, hit with a shoe and repeatedly hit in front of a crowd of laughing onlookers who do nothing to stop the violence
Some students claim that the black boy in the video reported harassment of school staff in the past, but that little has been done to address his concerns. Fox 16.
Other parents say that if the aggressor had been black – or if both boys had been black – the punishment would have been far harsher and more severe against the victim.
In the video of a fight in the locker room, a white teenager without a shirt tries to push a black boy to fight him, but the black student obviously doesn’t want to have anything to do with him.
The white student makes a rude hand gesture and repeatedly calls the black student “pi *** y,” but he ignores the taunts and continues to wear his jeans. All the while, a crowd of teenagers stand around the locker room and do nothing to stop the escalating conflict; some of them are seen recording the exchange of their phones.
About a minute after the video, the shirtless teenager pushes the black boy hard, telling him, “I’m not in the mood.”
The white teenager replies, “You’re not always in the mood.”
When the black teenager turns around, the white teenager throws a shoe at him, which hits his hand. However, he did not react to aggression.
The white bully puts the black boy in suffocation, which makes him dark
He continues to calmly tighten his fitness equipment when the shirtless bully throws himself at him and pushes him.
Only then does the black teenager throw his hand in a seemingly defensive move aimed at keeping the attacker away from him.
A fight ensues, with the shirtless teenager chasing his victim and hitting him, while the latter desperately tries to defend himself from the blows.
The aggressor in battle tears the victim’s tank top and then strangles him in front of the gaping onlookers who fail to intervene; some are even heard laughing.
After a few seconds, the victim fell unconscious on the floor. As he lay face down and motionless on the concrete, the bully stepped on his back and kicked him in the head.
At no point in the video does a teacher or coach appear in the locker room.
Fordyce School District Chief Judy Hubble declined to comment on any disciplinary action resulting from the incident, saying Camden News that this is “confidential information”.
While the victim is lying motionless on the floor, the attacker kicks him in the face, as seen in the screenshot above
“We do not want harassment on our campus. We want to have a safe campus, but this has just come to light and we are working on it, we are discussing the process, “she said.
As the video of the battle went viral, many local parents and students demanded responsibility from school officials.
“Fordis High School needs to feel a little warm because of this !!!” Brandi Broton, who shared a version of the recording on Facebook last month, wrote in a caption. This young man could have lost his life !!!! You can clearly see that this young man (black child) did not want to fight !!!! Where are the coaches, the teachers, every adult who could STOP THIS !!!! Thank God this young man is fine !!! ‘
Democrat Sen. Joyce Elliott, a Democrat, assessed the incident on Twitter, condemning the school for temporarily removing the victim.
“Someone from Fordis Schl.” [sic] The district must protect the removal of the abused student, “she tweeted. – This is crazy. What the hell was he supposed to do? There is no equivalent here!