Around 1500 bodies of Hamas fighters found in Israel

“Around 1,500 bodies” of Hamas fighters found in Israel

The Israeli army said Tuesday morning that it had found “around 1,500 bodies” of Hamas militants in Israel since the Palestinian Islamist movement’s attack from the Gaza Strip on Saturday morning.

“Approximately 1,500 bodies of Hamas militants have been found in Israel around the Gaza Strip,” said Lt. Col. Richard Hecht, an Israeli army spokesman, whose comments attest to the scale of the unprecedented attack launched against southern Israel on Saturday. Until then, the army had spoken of a thousand Palestinian fighters infiltrated.

On the fourth day of hostilities, the army “more or less regained control of the border fence” with Gaza, “but infiltrations may still occur,” Colonel Hecht added.

However, “we know that no one has entered Israel from Gaza since (the beginning of) last night,” he added.

The army has “almost completed” the evacuation of the 24 towns near the border from which it has decided to evict residents of the area.