Around a million people protest against the Polish government

Around a million people protest against the Polish government

Two weeks before the parliamentary elections, a large demonstration took place against the Polish government. According to the city administration, it was the “largest demonstration in the history of Warsaw”.

Two weeks before parliamentary elections in Poland, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated on Sunday against the policies of the ruling national-conservative party, PiS. This is the biggest demonstration in the history of Warsaw, a spokeswoman for the city administration told the portal. She even spoke of about a million people; the number of participants was originally given as 100,000. They marched thickly through the center of the Polish capital.

Protesters carried signs saying “Enough is enough and we want change” and “Together we have strength”. The liberal-conservative Citizens’ Coalition (KO), which emerged from the Citizens’ Platform, Donald Tusk’s former government party, called for the “March of a Million Hearts”. The demonstration is also supported by the left-wing Lewica alliance.

“Nothing can stop this power,” said Tusk. “No one in the ranks of power above should have any illusions. This change is inevitable. “Tusk spoke of nearly a million participants at the start of the event, the PAP news agency reported nearly 100,000 protesters, citing unofficial police information.

Parliamentary elections on October 15

Poland will elect a new parliament on October 15. In all polls so far, the national conservative PiS (Law and Justice), which has been in power since 2015, leads by a clear margin. However, a coalition partner may be needed to form a government – and this can be seen in the ultra-right Konfederacja. Tusk’s citizens’ coalition is in second place in the polls. She hopes to use the demonstration to mobilize her supporters so that she can still win the parliamentary elections. (APA)