Arrest warrant Thats why the family fell to death the.webp

Arrest warrant That’s why the family fell to death the world

Five people were killed in Montreux on Thursday. Now the first signs of motives have appeared.

Following a preliminary investigation, two police officers went to an apartment on Rue du Casino to execute the arrest warrant for the child’s home schooling. The arrest warrant concerned the father, a 40yearold French, who lived in the apartment. Police knocked on the door and heard a voice asking who was there, police said in a media release at noon.

Apparently, five people jumped out of the balcony four were killed

After announcing their presence, the police in the apartment stopped hearing any noise. As they could not contact any residents, they left the apartment. Meanwhile, a witness called the police and reported that people had fallen from the balcony of the apartment.

Four killed, one survivor

According to the current state of the investigation and the pending formal identification that is still pending, five people appear to belong to the same family of French nationality: the 40yearold father, his 41yearold wife, their twin sister and their 8yearold son the couple’s daughter are dead. The 15yearold son was hospitalized in a serious condition.

The prosecutor on duty initiated an investigation and assigned an investigation to the security police to establish the exact circumstances and causes of the tragedy. According to the state of the investigation, it could be ruled out that there was another person in the apartment at the time of the incident.

A journalist from Radio Télévision Suisse shared on Twitter a recording showing investigators on a balcony. Apparently, people jumped out of the building’s upper apartment.

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