Art evening RAI press office Rai history

Art evening RAI press office Rai history

Rome, home of the Teerlink Foundation, an organization that promotes the works of Abraham Alessandro Teerlink, a Dutch painter, collector and scholar who worked in Rome in the first half of the 19th century. Near the window, on an easel, sits a work of art, a nativity scene, beautiful but blackened by time. The work falls due to a gust of wind. The owner, Alessandro Caucci Molara, who loves the painting, decides that the canvas deserves to be saved. Incredible elements will emerge from the restoration report. A story is told by Guido Talarico's documentary “Rembrandt, the rediscovered masterpiece”, produced by FAD and Lilium Distribution in collaboration with Rai Cultura, which will be broadcast for the first time on Rai 5 for “Art Night” on Wednesday January 3rd at 9.15 p.m Neri Marcore. What is discovered on this screen is a magnificent work, “The Adoration of the Magi”, considered lost for centuries, and the documentary is intended to be a tribute to the great master and absolute protagonist of the golden century of Dutch art, a tribute to Rome, once again the international cultural capital. The A. Teerlink Foundation, owner of the work, and its president Alessandro Caucci Molara owe a decisive contribution to this discovery and to the reconstruction of the events recounted in the film: “We feel obliged,” he says, “to offer.” The Enjoyment of the Great I publish a lost painting, The Adoration of the Magi by Rembrandt, a magical and sophisticated, lively and mysterious work. We want to share with everyone the magic of this painting, the result of a cultivated collection, which gradually reveals itself to the eyes of the viewer, gradually penetrating between the veils of color to discover the hidden graphic wonders, the instinctive and vital Sketches”. The director, author and co-producer of the documentary, Guido Talarico, focuses his attention on the theme of value: “With this film I had the opportunity to talk about two huge beings, a master the size of Rembrandt and a capital like Rome. “, whose eternity is revealed once again through culture. It is a fascinating story, a mystery with a happy ending, which helps, on the one hand, to focus on the greatness of the protagonists and, on the other hand, to discover the importance of cultural diplomacy, which was perhaps more alive in 1700 than today. I am pleased that Rai Cultura also supported us in this work. I am glad to have had a new opportunity to reveal a secret that our vast Rome has kept.
“Art Night” is a program by Silvia De Felice and Emanuela Avallone, Massimo Favia, Alessandro Rossi and directed by Andrea Montemaggiori.