Arthur Aguiar has been choking on Fred Nicácio ever since the doctor at Big Brother Brasil 23 said that there are contestants who win the reality show, but ending the program doesn’t guarantee success like the singer would have done. Maíra Cardi’s exhusband at the time responded and now he has returned to speak on the subject and explain his position on the wall between Nicácio and Marília.
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“I know my fans, people who like me and cheer for me, weren’t happy with Fred Nicácio’s speech. I didn’t like her either. Arthur, my personal side, wants him to leave because player side it would be much more interesting to create conflict in the house when Fred Nicácio returns,” Arthur said in Instagram stories.
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The actor also took the opportunity to say that he has no intention of giving up exchanging provocations any further. At the time, he recorded a video mocking the speech, saying, “Let’s do it because there are people who win and don’t win, but there are people who neither win nor win.”
See more: Marília goes to the toilet and Fred Nicácio celebrates the silence on ‘BBB 23’: ‘Cabrita berra’
“I answered here in my own way, I didn’t abandon the topic, it’s not worth it. It’s his opinion, everyone thinks what he wants. I won’t change it. Good. But I didn’t like it” .
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