Artists criticize project that bans samesex marriage

Artists criticize project that bans samesex marriage

Actresses posted a video on social media asking for support against the proposal of Congressman Pastor Eurico (PLPE).

The actress Nanda Costa and her wife, the singer Lan Lanh, have published a video on Instagram in which they demonstrate against the bill 5.167/09, which is being considered in Congress and proposes to repeal samesex unions. Deputy Pastor Eurico (PLPE) is the rapporteur of the proposal.

Other artists such as the actress Paolla Oliveira commented on the publication supporting the couple and declaring that they would sign the mobilization form against the project. The initiative of the deputy priest Henrique Vieira (PsolRJ) made the couple known in the video.

In the post, Nanda shows the singer her civil marriage certificate. “They want to cancel our certificate. They want to end samesex marriage. […] I can’t believe I have to fight for a right that was given to us 10 years ago,” the actress says in the video.

The publication received support from several celebrities who described the bill as “absurd” and “unacceptable”.

“And that has already been approved and is happening in Italy. They even remove the mothers’ names from the birth certificates of children of samesex couples. Our rights are never guaranteed, so it is important that we are strong together,” wrote actor Igor Cosso.

“No more regression, hatred and persecution of love,” declared actress Paolla Oliveira. Fellow professional Suzy Lopes said that members of Congress had more important issues to discuss at the moment, but they preferred to “persecute” samesex couples.

“We have so many problems in Brazil with health, hunger, poverty, education, violence, lack of social structure… And people continue to waste their time doing work that people pay to chase people who love each other,” he said.