1669888945 As a young man I used very little condoms today

As a young man I used very little condoms, today I advise you to consume cases of them

At the press conference, a new show on RaiPlay, De Martino ruefully tells the boys of a high school his first reports: “I’ve often done the quail jump, it’s very dangerous and I strongly recommend the condom.”

As a young man I used very little condoms today

Stephen DeMartino everywhere, everywhere, everywhere. The conductor is now a point of reference for Rai, especially with regard to the company’s attempt to create a link between the generations. Therefore while part with the second edition of his Bar Stellastarting November 29 late night on Rai2, De Martino was also a guest of The Press Conference, a new experiment for the RaiPlay brand John Benincasa.

De Martino guest of the press conference

It’s a real press conference in which the protagonist makes himself available to questions from high school students who freely ask any kind of curiosity. In the case of De Martino, who opened the show, they indulged, from the best-known facts about gossip and career to more intimate things. Someone asked him which woman he was better off being intimate with, and the conductor had no doubts: “The woman he’s better off with is the one I married, I married her mostly for that.”

Stefano De Martino and the lost virginity at the age of 14

Even more intimate and sensitive was the question one of the girls present in the room asked De Martino if during the first years of sexual experiences (“I lost my virginity at 14,” she said) he used a condom to adopt the method of so-called quail jump. Without hiding, De Martino admitted: “Quail jumping”. “It’s not done yet,” the girl scolded him.

Francesco Paolantoni and Stefano De Martino, the irony at Ajax: “Only the Svelto is left”

It’s very dangerous, I’m just telling you the truth honestly. Your generation is way ahead of us, more informed, you are more aware, we made a disaster. But growing up, I realized that otherwise you avoid an infinite number of things with condoms. So today I absolutely say condom, please consume lots of boxes of condoms.