as he is today at 53 years old

as he is today at 53 years old

Naomi Campbell she was a guest at Fabio Fazio on Che tempo che fa, on Nove, in the February 25 episode. For the former top model, who walked the catwalks in the 1990s, time seems to have stood still.

The ex-model he has 53 years old it is simple and incredible Nice And leaves the conductor stunned. “The last time I was here I was moved in a positive way. I'm excited, I see you, this fantastic hug, yours and Italy's…” she began. “Italy has always embraced me, it has a special place in my heart.”

“It is important for me to always be connected to what I feel, my faith, my path in life, to know the fate of my life. I've enjoyed my whole life, there have been ups and downs of course, but that's how it is.” “It's a life lesson and I know I've had a fantastic journey. I was very lucky,” emphasizes Naomi Campbell. “I have met people in my life to whom I owe everything because without them I would not be here. And it's fantastic to still work with these people. This is not entirely normal in my industry. I didn’t plan my life there.” wasn’t a strategy in my career. But in my case, I really like what I do.”