1705741254 As long as the fire keeps burning

As long as the fire keeps burning

The image of an elegant older woman dancing at La Coupole, one of the most famous brasseries in Paris, stuck in the memory of photographer Julie Glassberg, then a young student, three decades ago. The woman explained that in addition to the love of dancing, it is also a perfect place to meet lovers. There the French author, who works with the New York Times, Le Monde and EL PAÍS, among others, places the germ of “Stayin' alive” – “Surviving”, like the legendary disco song by the Bee Gees -, an artistic project that goes in search of a part of society that remains hidden from the majority, that of the older people who do not give up their lives because they have reached many years, who continue to dance, work, play sports, fall in love .. .

This first image in La Coupole sparked an interest that Glassberg had always felt in the social image conveyed by older people, and which grew in contact with all the “flamboyant, dynamic, very integrated” older people he encountered everywhere the world. Finally, it all took shape during the Covid pandemic, when the elderly became the center of attention, torn between the urge to protect them and their need to continue living despite everything. This work thus rebels against stereotypes and looks of fear and discontent. “Of course our shell changes and transforms, but its beauty is only a matter of perception. If the fire continues to burn, there is no reason to stop,” Glassberg writes.

This photo work was created with the support of National Library of France.

Brigitte, 66, a regular at the evenings at the Duplex, preens herself before going dancing.  or for the first time at 15. He continues to do it several times a week.  5th evening at the Roaljorero in Monteux.  1Brigitte, 66, a regular at the evenings at the Duplex, preens herself before going dancing. or for the first time at 15. He continues to do it several times a week. 5th evening at the Roaljorero in Monteux. 1Julie GlassbergDetail of the room of Gisèle, a 75-year-old woman who also regularly visits the duplex. Detail of the room of Gisèle, a 75-year-old woman who also regularly visits the duplex. Julie GlassbergThis is Gisele.  He started going dancing to forget his problems, and he forgot them. This is Gisele. He started going dancing to forget his problems, and he forgot them. Julie GlassbergGisèle, a 75-year-old woman we met in the previous spread, kisses her new boyfriend on the duplex's dance floor.Gisèle, a 75-year-old woman we met on the previous spread, kisses her new boyfriend on the dance floor of the Duplex.Julie GlassbergJean-Paul Duret was born 82 years ago and danced for the first timeJean-Paul Duret was born 82 years ago and danced for the first time with Julie GlassbergJean-Paul Duret prepares to leave. Jean-Paul Duret prepares to leave. Julie GlassbergPaul (78 years old) is a widower.  He met Marceline at the duplex 13 years ago.  Today they are still together.  “Isn’t life great?  “There are girls, there is music, there are drinks, what more could we want?” he says. Paul (78 years old) is a widower. He met Marceline at the duplex 13 years ago. Today they are still together. “Isn’t life great? “There are girls, there is music, there are drinks, what more could we want?” he says. Julie GlassbergMore dances in Chambly. More dances in Chambly. Julie GlassbergA moment of music and dance evenings that the Paris Duplex Hall offers every Sunday and Monday from 2:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.A moment of music and dance evenings that the Paris Duplex Hall offers every Sunday and Monday from 2:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Julie GlassbergSomeone brought their pet to Chambly in the north in the evening.  from Paris. Someone brought their pet to Chambly in the north in the evening. from Paris. Julie GlassbergClaudine Touitou is a regular at Chalet du Lac, Napoleon's former hunting lodge in the Vincennes forest.Claudine Touitou is a regular at Chalet du Lac, Napoleon's former hunting lodge in the Bois de Vincennes.Julie GlassbergThere is dancing on Sunday afternoons at Chez Gégène in Paris. There is dancing on Sunday afternoons at Chez Gégène in Paris. Julie GlassbergScene in the Le Manoir room, which opened in Bailleul 70 years ago.Scene in the Le Manoir room, which opened in Bailleul 70 years ago.Julie GlassbergThe Sensation Dance School in Paris also organizes evenings. The Sensation Dance School in Paris also organizes evenings. Julie Glassberg

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