As soon as the formal notice is delivered to Schlein

As soon as the formal notice is delivered to Schlein, there is a risk for Purgatori and Prodi: Therefore today…

– He died a journalist Russian on the Zaporizhia front. A reporter who was on the ground, just like his Western or Ukrainian counterparts. You will remember the articles on freedom of the press written when European or American reporters died. This time for Rostislav Igorevich Zhuravlev, who leaves behind a wife and two children, La Repubblica says: “He wasn’t just a journalist, he was a militant.” I find it unworthy.

– I find it unworthy, because then Putin will be completely wrong in the world, and he is, and maybe Zhuravlev’s stories were biased for that Fly, but I ask you: who among us is not biased in this area? Dear western colleagues, do you re-read your plays after you have written them? Aren’t you also “militants”, even if you prefer the word “activist”, for the Ukrainian cause, for the planet, for vaccines, etc.? Maybe he upset you. Maybe you think he’s an enemy. But a journalist is still dead and should be treated as such. And that means denouncing, as you have done on other occasions, that it would be good practice not to shoot reporters. Or does the rule not apply to Kiev?

– A 13-year-old girl managed to escape from her kidnapper by showing passers-by a note that said ‘help me’. Tragical story. But immediately I think of the magical film “That’s Life” by Aldo Giovanni and Giacomo.

– At Andrew Purgatori I believe that the last word was spoken by Enrico Mentana, who knew him well: he was looking for mysteries and revelations, but there will be no mysteries or revelations about his death. He knew he was suffering from an incurable disease, according to Nicola Porro the lung tumor was 7 centimeters; perhaps the course could have lasted longer. But I don’t know if it’s appropriate to make useless suggestions. There is a risk that it will be thrown into the kaziara.

– The question about Patrick Zaki is this: but why are we so committed to an Egyptian who doesn’t even speak Italian and who had the only merit of spending a few months in Bologna while we have prisoners all over the world (see Chicco Forti) whose diplomatic solution can never be found?

– Meloni reported Zaki at home he has initiated a transformation into Rai, who chases Facci and keeps Saviano, now he also seems open to the hypothesis of a minimum wage. But how come the right-wing government does left-wing things?

Romano Prodi baptizes the new current of the Democratic Party Stefano Bonaccini. Not even a veiled message a Elly Schlein that it will be fresh, it will be new, it will be combative, but the Catholic-moderate democrat soul still doesn’t like it enough. In his speech, Romano never or hardly mentions Elly. But a Sibylline phrase seems to refer precisely to them: Prodi demands that the party find “the synergy between reformism and radicalism” as long as it is “soft radicalism”. If it’s not a rejection of the line taken by the secretary so far, we’re close: let’s say we’re in the process of formal resignation. As if to say: watch out for Elly, who will break if you pull the rope too hard. Did the alarm go off in the Schlein house?