As soon as they see that one of them is

“As soon as they see that one of them is in danger…”

Attilio Romitaimmediately after the ninth episode by Gf Vip 7 suffered particularly from another nomination.

Along with him, the televoting, which will be shown in the next episode on Thursday, October 20th, will also be canceled Giele De Dona, Antonino spinal broom, George Ciupilan, Christina Quaranta and Alberto de Pisi.

But also for yesterday there were “the untouchables” or those who received immunity. From the house group who received it were Daniele Dal Moro, Luca Salatino, Carolina Marconi and Wilma Goich. Sonia Bruganelli gave preference to Edoardo Donnamaria, while Orietta Berti gave Charlie Gnocchi immunity.

After the episode, Attilio Romita vented himself and made a serious allusion to the movements of the Gf Vip authors so that the same ones are always saved. Here are the words of Tg’s face:

They impose immunity on all of them, every time they cover them for… As soon as they see that one of them is in danger, they impose immunity. And we have to “slaughter” each other with two cret*ni.

Afterwards, Romita himself, who found himself in the bedroom with his adventure partner Charlie, had to say about him:

Charlie, if they didn’t give you immunity, you were already out of here. Instead, since you’ve been good and have formed a network of useful and effective relationships (and that needs to be acknowledged), they give you immunity if you shit and you’re good to go. I screwed them* and I didn’t do them and they nominated me. Tell me what’s the logic. It’s the third nomination, you’ve only gone once while I’ve already gone three times.