1696240465 Ashes of Creation illustrates its dynamic event system –

Ashes of Creation illustrates its dynamic event system – JeuxOnLine

The world of Ashes of Creation is evolving, but will also be the setting for dynamic events that players can take part in to interact with each other and the MMORPG universe.


The main originality ofAshes of creation is based on its evolving universe: depending on the activity of the players, each region of the game universe (nodes) develops or atrophies, unlocking new activities or enabling new interactions with neighboring regions. The MMORPG universe will also offer something beyond the node system dynamic events and the studio teams Undaunted They showed how it works as part of their stream of the month.

In a classic way, the dynamic events of Ashes of Creation are intended to enliven the game universe. Therefore, from time to time, players may be faced with an event and need to mobilize to face it. According to the developer, these events are activated if certain conditions are metparticularly based on player activity – and players can face warlike events (PvE or PvP battles), but also more social events (such as an NPC’s funeral) that help bring the game’s worlds to life .

Encourage players to play together

As part of the stream, the playing members of the development team were confronted with an attack by a group of bandits on a trading caravan. The event is displayed on the minimap of nearby players and appears in the game world (a thick cloud of smoke is visible from a distance). When players enter the area, Groups and isolated players are all united in a raid group and can thus coordinate. You will have to face several successive waves of bandits to protect the caravan and prevent it from being looted.

Trading country

The events are also part of the narrative framework of the region. By participating in an event, the overall scenario of a region can evolve (which can extend over several days to have a lasting impact on a region) and players can, for example, receive details about their current quests – events, etc. Quests can be independent of each other can be achieved, but investing in one can help make progress on the other.

According to the developer Events should encourage players to play together : Players will be grouped together in a raid group for the event, but the group will not automatically disband when the event ends, so players can continue to play together, for example by completing the quests that are directly or indirectly related to the event are. According to the studio, these activities will likely be an opportunity to meet new companions to play with for a long time.

Events that adapt to the players

On a more technical level, these events are calibrated to adjust based on the number of players participating: the more players participate in the event, the more players participate in the event. the more the level of difficulty increases (first classic opponents, then, for example, elite opponents or mini-bosses, but also various more or less complex patterns), so the event always represents a challenge.

Likewise those Rewards will also be adjusted based on the contributions of different participants – the final vote will be refined during testing, but the developer intends to reward all players (e.g. fighters and healers) based on their respective contributions.

We understand that these events are intended to enliven and bring to life the gaming universe, but also to renew the gaming experience of players through activities and stories and, above all, to serve as a framework for the interactions that players can maintain with each other himself. and with the world of Verra.